The Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has been recently upgraded to achieve secondary treatment levels (i.e. 85% Removal of BOD and TSS). To satisfy plant site space constraints, the upgrade provided for installation of fine bar screens for primary treatment in lieu of primary ...
As a testament to our commitment to innovation and technical performance, the Aquaviva wastewater treatment plant in Cannes, France is the FIRST carbon neutral plant in the world. The plant uses the Ultrafor process to remove pollution, producing 5,000 m3 of recycled water a day. ...
New York City brings in over 1 billion gallons of water per day for its 8 million thirsty citizens. The Croton Aqueduct is still visible today.
For Tijuana's communities, especially those in poorer areas currently unconnected to the city's sewer system, the new plant represents a lifeline. The urgent need for improved wastewater treatment capacity highlights the challenges faced by these communities, and the completion of the project is ...
refrigerator may find a second life as a source of heat, at least if you live in New York City. In a new pilot program, New York is collecting food waste and trucking it to a wastewater treatment plant in Brooklyn, where it will eventually be generating enough heat for...
Supplying reliable drinking water to 85% of Sydney's population Safeguarding the future of Perth’s drinking water thanks to seawater desalination Producing renewable resources (water and energy) with a carbon-neutral wastewater treatment plant
Wastewater Engineering Requires Coordination between Old and New Plant The City of York’s original wastewater treatment plant was constructed in 1935 with several additions and upgrades throughout the years. The developed area around the WWTP has result
Approximately 40% of New York City is within an MS4 area, meaning that stormwater is collected by City-owned conveyances like gutters and storm drains and discharged directly to surface waters without processing at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The remaining approximately 60% of the City...
The job title with the highestGreen Scoreis “associate environmental engineer.” As mentioned earlier, Appendix A Table15provides an example of the job. The job title with the second-highestGreen Scoreis “waste water technician,” which involves processing wastewater and producing clean, safe drin...
OurOperational Efficiency Partnershipmodel brings together SUEZ experts and representatives from partners and customers in one team, working together to improve the performance of water and wastewater treatment plants and networks. These models both operate as a partnership between SUEZ and our client, wh...