Make care infrastructure and young children a priority in broad City resilience planning.TheNew York City Stormwater Resiliency Planoutlines the City’s approach to managing the risk of extreme rain and flooding events. Investment in strategies to prepare for the impacts of extreme events will likely...
New York /New Jersey Harbor is more likely to see “minor flood” levels, as shown below. The central estimate peak water levels of 5 feet navd88 translate to widespread nuisance flooding of streets and trapped rainfall which won’t drain due to sea levels blocking stormwater drainage. These...
“We believe the Unified Stormwater Rule is a key initiative that will help achieve Net Zero Combined Zero Overflow as a result of new development in the Gowanus Canal as well as the goals set forth in the NYC Resiliency Plan by promoting green infrastructure on private property, easing the ...
As New York City continued to grow, the sewer system continued to expand. Separately sewered areas were developed, which use separate pipes to carry wastewater to treatment plants and stormwater directly to local waterways. More recently, innovative drainage solutions such as the Bluebelt Program, ...
About 60% of New York City’s sewer system is a combined sewer system. This means that one single pipe carries both stormwater runoff AND sewage from city buildings. During heavy rainstorms, combined sewers systems receive more stormwater runoff and sewage. Wastewater Treatment plants have a capa...
About 60% of New York City’s sewer system is a combined sewer system. This means that one single pipe carries both stormwater runoff AND sewage from city buildings. During heavy rainstorms, combined sewers systems receive more stormwater runoff and sewage. Wastewater Treatment plants have a capa...
The New York City Department of Design and Construction, the Mayor’s Office of Resiliency, and the Department of Parks and Recreation led the project team. Other agency partners included the Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of City Planning, an...
and Grant Program. More information can be found onthis flyer. While this flyer focuses on businesses, CNYC has been assured that co-ops and condos should apply. You may check theNYC Flood Hazard Mapperor theNYC Stormwater Resiliency Mapsto see if your building would qualify based on location...
“Climate change has been my focus for my whole career, everything from how to develop new resilience and renewable energy systems on city properties to flood protection infrastructure and stormwater management as flooding and heat and coastal storms are expected to increase in the future,”...
CAI provides mapping services for their clients Water, Sewer and Stormwater systems. Working with client staff, CAI performs Global Positioning Systems (GPS) data collection of the system point features and at the same time provides connectivity of the utility pipe network. ...