最近发现这个NewYork Explorer Pass也非常赞,不仅在性价比上可以和上面的CityPASS纽约城市通票媲美,在灵活性和选择性上又完胜纽约城市通票。 NewYork Explorer Pass是一个包含五十几个纽约城市景点的低价景点一卡通,你可以在这些景点范围内随意挑选最爱的3、5、7或10个景点游玩(价格当然也不同哈),你不需要在买通票的...
如果在纽约游玩的天数比较少(一周以内)的话,NY City Pass还是很划算的。而且去帝国大厦和洛克菲勒观景台是可以走绿色通道的,比当场买票排队的游客能快出不少。 $102纽约城市通票+Bloomingdale's纽约店VIP折扣券(编号:402380) 纽约探索通票 New York Explorer Pass 这个通票知道的人就不是很多了,它从兑换之日起30...
憑證由預訂確認日期起計有效730日,直至有效期最後一日的23:59。 您的紐約探索者通票 (New York Explorer Pass) 將於您首次參觀任何景點時啟用。啟用後,您將有60 天的時間參觀其餘景點 憑證類型描述 請出示電子憑證 如何兌換 可用憑證直接入場 到訪首個景點即可啟用通行證 不可轉讓已兌換的通行證 使用條款 確認詳...
Go City: New York Explorer Pass With theGo City: New York Explorer Pass, choose up to10 iconic attractions, craft your own itineraryand enjoysavings of up to 50%on admission fees! SUMMIT One Vanderbilt Ticket Don't miss out on breathtaking views of New York and avant-garde immersive art ...
New York City Explorer PassDetails •Guided Tours•New York City Explorer Pass With the New York City Explorer Pass, get access to 50 top attractions, tours and activities all at one low price! See the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island; take a guided bike tour through Central Park; ad...
Enter the attractions you plan to visit and get an instant recommendation of which New York sightseeing pass will give you the best saving
Check out theNew York Pass! New York Explorer Pass This pass is a mix of the two discussed above. Like the New York Pass, you have a huge selection of museums, cruises, tours, observation decks, and bike rentals. Like the CityPASS, you are constrained to a specific number of attractio...
文章最后一句“The pass can be activated within 1 year after you have bought it and is valid for 30 days after activation.(该通行证可在您购买后1年内激活,激活后30天内有效)”可知,当你激活通行证时,你必须在一个月内使用。故选C项。 (3)题详解: 主旨大意题。通读全文,并且通过文章题目可知,...
THE NEW YORK PASSThe New York Pass can be used at over 100 different New York City attractions and tours and can be purchased either a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 10-day pass.The Pass comes with a travel booklet in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese....
new york citypass里有四个景点是固定的,分别是大都会博物馆,自然历史博物馆,帝国大厦,剩下3个二...