Call (212) 835-6768 - Korngut Paleudis LLC is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Liquor License and Intellectual Property cases.
With years of experience in the hospitality industry, our New York City liquor license attorneys come equipped with the practical real world experience that allows them to provide crisp, clear, and fairly priced advice to their clients. Our attorneys regularly appear before the New York State ...
Call (212) 835-6768 - Korngut Paleudis LLC is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Liquor License and Intellectual Property cases.
Call (212) 835-6768 - Korngut Paleudis LLC is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Liquor Licensing and Corporate cases. Articles - New York City Liquor Licensing Lawyer
Q: How much is a liquor license? A liquor license can range from $3,900 to $10,000 depending on the work that needs to be done. For example: If you’re planning to operate in New York City, you may need to deal with an extra layer of procedures in order to make sure you’re...
Don’t believe the hype. It really isn’t that hard to get a liquor license in New York. The statewantsto give you the license. They want you to employ people, provide a service and to pay taxes. The purpose of the application is to make sure that a) your business qualifies b) th...
This is why many restaurants, bars, restaurants, night clubs, liquor stores, manufacturers and other types of businesses rely on me to guide them through the New York liquor license application process. I understand how the New York State Liquor Authority operates because I have dealt ...
Law Attorney If are looking for legal guidance or to open a restaurant, bar, lounge or nightclub in the New York, please contactDiPasquale & Summerswith your questions or concerns. We offer a free, no obligation consultation to our prospective clients. Give our office a call at 646-383-4607...
Temporary liquor license now law in New YorkJohn Callegari
The law was made in 1993, but there are some places that are 'grandfathered in'. If you are renewing a liquor license, you do not need to worry. If you are buying an establishment that has been there for years and need a NEW license, you are not grandfathered in and could be denied...