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The City of New York consists of five boroughs: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. View maps of New York City, and learn about the five New York City boroughs.
纽约市(英语:The City of New York 或 New York City,缩写为 NYC),通称纽约(英语:New York),位于美国纽约州南端(非纽约州首府),为美国人口最多的城市、纽约都会区的核心、以及世界最大的城市之一,是对全球的经济、商业、金融、媒体、政治、教育和娱乐具有极大影响力的国际大都会。纽约还是联合国总部所在地[...
[330] As of 2023, there were 92,824 homeless people sleeping nightly in New York City's shelter system.[331] 【参考译文】纽约市实施了一项庇护权法律,保证为任何需要庇护的人提供庇护,无论其移民身份、社会经济状况或住房状况如何,这包括提供充足的庇护和食物。[329]因此,虽然纽约市的无家可归者总数居...
Governors Island is planned to host a US$1 billion research and education center to make New York City the global leader in addressing the climate crisis.[220] 【参考译文】纽约市的环境问题受到城市规模、人口密度、丰富的公共交通基础设施以及地处哈德逊河口位置的影响。例如,纽约市是全国最大的污染源...
its rat infestation, itsliberalBroadwayshows, and its high cost of living. New York City is also where the major networks grew in influence:Fox News,ABC,CBSandNBC. Domination byDempoliticians has caused the long-term moral and intellectual decline of the "Big Apple," as it has been called...
Further information: List of bridges and tunnels in New York City and Commissioners' Plan of 1811【更多信息:纽约市桥梁和隧道列表和 1811 年委员会规划】 此图片遵循CC BY 2.0协议 图片题注:韦拉札诺海峡大桥是全球最长的悬索桥之一[385][386],横跨纳罗斯水道,连接布鲁克林和斯塔滕岛图片来源:Rian Castillo...