購買&出售David H Koch Theater at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts - Complex,紐約的纽约市芭蕾舞团門票,盡在viagogo,一個讓人們能夠安全有保障地購買和出售各種現場活動門票的在線票務網站
David H Koch Theater at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts - Complex, 紐約, New York, 美国 需求量大 關於在我們網站上之本活動 最愛 USD ZH 賣 我的門票 登入 STAGECENTERLEFTRIGHTSTAGEFOURTH RINGTHIRD RINGSECOND RINGFIRST RINGFIFTH RING147 - 10132 - 21 - 312-52(EVEN, MULTIPLES OF ...
纽约城市芭蕾舞团(NEW YORK CITY BALLET ) 纽约城市芭蕾舞团是世界上顶尖舞蹈团之一,不胜枚举的芭蕾舞剧目为观众带来无与伦比的艺术享受,其中不乏适合各类观众欣赏的剧目。纽约城市芭蕾舞团成立于1948年,由乔治·巴兰钦 (George Balanchine) 和林肯·科尔斯坦 (Lincoln Kirstein ) 共同创建,并且迅速凭借其纯正的新古典...
Discover New York NY's Ballet in 2025/26. Find shows, buy tickets, check seating charts, plan where to eat and how to get there.
Don’t miss the party — get tickets today to the musical that The New York Times calls “lush, bewitching, and dazzling!”… Recommended by 100% of travelers from $75 per adult Reserve 7. Radio City Music Hall Tour Experience 73 Theater Shows 1 hour Step into the spotlight with the...
New York City Travel Guide 2024. Best of NYC, hotel deals, things to do, events, museums, attractions, shows, tours, maps, shopping, passes.
Prepare to fall in love New York City Ballet - La Sylphide at the David H Koch Theater New York, NY. Finished Oct 3, 2018. Buy tickets online now or find out more with New York City Theatre
昨天去了DRIFT在New York City Ballet的新合作“害羞的灯”非常值得去!看还可以看一下芭蕾表演, 二月3号和9号可以购票入场🎫附带芭蕾表演在官网就可以购票,税后50💲 展览将于二月11号到20号免费对公众开放 Mon - Fri 10 AM - 6PM Sat - Sun 10 AM - 12 PM 地址 : 20 Lincoln Center Plaza, New Yo...
New York City Ballet. (New York State Theater, New York, New York)Hering, Doris
New York City Ballet, resident ballet company of the New York State Theatre at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. The company, first named Ballet Society, was founded in 1946 by choreographer George Balanchine and Lincoln Kirstein. Its prestige