origindata = CSV.read("data/newyork-city-airbnb-open-data/AB_NYC_2019.csv", DataFrame) 观察数据 你可以像教程那样 也可以,像我一样,用excel打开 csv 文件 我写了一个表格,记录我观察到的结果 你可以用这段代码来观察 missing 的数据量 for column in names(origindata) _count = count(ismissing, ...
Airbnb 自08年创立以来,每年的业绩都呈指数式增长。可以说,Airbnb成功打破了传统食宿行业的经营方式。现如今,由于人民生活水平的提高,各地的游客也越来越多,Airbnb不仅成为游客的首选,也成为了商业出行的首选,甚至也成全了那些手上有房,想躺着挣钱的人。 在纽约,Airbnb的发展如日中天,仅仅08年11月,就有52,000份...
We focus on New York City’s data as we wish to perform an in-depth analysis on one of the most densely populated cities in the world. In this project, we also try to predict the factors that affect the pricing of the airbnbs around New York. This includes creating different kind of...
Employing a one-way fixed-effects spatial Durbin model, it can be concluded that demand is price-inelastic for Airbnb accommodation in New York City, which is a luxury good, and that the city's traditional accommodation industry as well as neighboring Airbnb listings are substitutes for the ...
“It’s my house,” says Gia Sharp, who rents out part of her home on Airbnb. “The thought that someone else can tell me what I can do with my house is a little crazy.” But from Tuesday, her listing and at least 35,000 others in New York City may disappear from Airbnb and...
For travelers looking for a last-minute booking in an already crowded city, Airbnb can be an economic alternative. "We were looking for somewhere that had a kitchen and was close to the Central Park finish line," said Shane Holstein, a runner who traveled to New York from Perth, Australia...
New York City and across all verticals of Airbnb, there is a business in the ecosystem waiting to offer a helping hand. More importantly, these businesses are looking atyourhosting situation as it interacts with and responds toyourAirbnb environment. And, with a city as unique as New York,...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from New York City Airbnb 2023, Public Data
Airbnb, Inc. is an American San Francisco-based company, which was founded in 2008. Airbnb originally known as AirBedandBreakfast.com, operates an online marketplace for short- and long-term home stays and experiences. This dataset describes the latest listing activity in New York City, New...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from New York Airbnb Open Data 2024