世界摩天之都—纽约市(New York City)天际线的演进 作为仅次于芝加哥的世界摩天大楼第二发源地 截止到2022年,纽约市尘落着6486栋竣工高层建筑物,其中共有302座超过150米高。 纽约市的摩天大楼发展史起源于1895年,代表是纽约市美国担保大厦 ,一个 20 层高、92 m的高层项目首次打破芝加哥的摩天垄断地位。 下文就简单...
纽约市(City of New York/ New York City - abbr. NYC)通称纽约(New York)一座位于美国纽约州的城市,是美国人口最多的城市,也是世界最大的城市之一。也是对世界经济、商业、金融、媒体、政治、教育、娱乐具有极大影响的国际都市。同时纽约是联合国总部所在地,所以也被视为世界外交中心。纽约还被称为美国文化之...
封面图片:View of the Empire State Building in New York City from the Top of the Rock at 30 Rockefeller Plaza during sunset. The tower was illuminated in green in honor of Climate Week NYC.[1]参考译文:日落时分,从洛克菲勒中心30号观景岩顶部拍摄的纽约市帝国大厦景色。为纪念纽约气候周,该塔被点...
Bienen Davis is an American luxury handbag collection founded in New York City in 1931 merging art and fashion through artisanal craftsmanship. Our luxury bags grace movie sets, celebrities and the Metropolitan Museum of Art collection. Shop our latest o
Chapman, chief curator of the Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City. A few months later Mayr was invited to come to New York for one year to work on the bird collections of the Whitney South Sea Expedition. He did not leave Germany until ...
SOMETIMES E.B. JOINED THEM…Katharine Whitetaking babyJoelfor a stroll with the White’s beloved ScottyDaisyin New York City, 1931. ( * * * News Stooges In “The Wayward Press” column,Robert Benchley(writing under the pseudonym Guy Fawkes) took the newspapers to task for...
New York City - Urban Expansion, Diversity, Culture: Despite the loss of the national government, New York’s population skyrocketed in 1781–1800, and it became America’s largest city. Once again trade grew rapidly, and not even the War of 1812 hindere
The first New York Times best seller list was originally published on October 12, 1931. It was made up of five fiction and four non-fiction books for New York City only. In November 1931, the list included eight separate cities and was later expanded to fourteen cities in the 1940s. Whe...
Cultivating Citizens: The Children's School Farm in New York City, 1902–1931 In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Cultivating Citizens The Children's School Farm in New York City, 1902–1931 Marie Warsh (bio) In 1902, on a small plot of land overlooking ...
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