More smoke and haze? That could be the case for New York according to the experts. Just when we thought we were completely in the clear, we get hit with even more bad news of smoke on the horizon. Then changing of the season hasn't stopped the Canadian wildfires, of which are pushing...
More smoke and haze? That could be the case for New York according to the experts. Just when we thought we were completely in the clear, we get hit with even more bad news of smoke on the horizon. Then changing of the season hasn't stopped the Canadian wildfires, of which are pushing...
The smoke appeared more gray near the Statue of Liberty, which stands between New York City and New Jersey. The photo below captured the moment a ferry floated past the statue, as smoke obscured the metropolitan area behind it. The Statue of Liberty is surrounded by smoke in New York City....
More smoke and haze? That could be the case for New York according to the experts. Just when we thought we were completely in the clear, we get hit with even more bad news of smoke on the horizon. Then changing of the season hasn't stopped the Canadian wildfires, of which are pushing...
Canadian wildfire smoke envelops NYC Almost all of New York state is under a air quality alert because of smoke from wildfires in Canada blowing into the area. NEW YORK-If ever there was a day to stop and enjoy the New York City skyline, This wasn’t it. ...
Two spells of unusually poor air quality in New York City have been traced to harmful smoke pouring from wildfires burning hundreds of kilometres away
NEW YORK-- New Yorkers were being urged to stay inside Thursday, as air quality concerns continued due to smoky haze from the Canadian wildfires. Health officials said if you have to go out, wear a facemask. The wildfires are causing dangerous air quality levels in New York City, reaching...
"Although forecast uncertainty remains, New Yorkers should be prepared for possible elevated levels of fine particulate pollution caused by smoke on Wednesday," Hochul's office stated. Read More: Canadian Causes Awful Crash On Dangerous New York Road In Hudson Valley ...
Daily Fine Particulate Matter Concentration Before, During, and After the 2023 June Wildfire Smoke Wave in New York City View LargeDownload NYC indicates New York City; PM2.5, fine particulate matter. Table. Asthma Syndrome ED Visits by Age Groups and Boroughs in New York City Before, During,...
Asthma-related emergency room visits spiked in New York in June following a wave oftoxic smoke from the Canadian wildfires, according to new federal data. Researchers looked at ER visits from the New York State Department of Health's Electronic Syndromic Surveillance System (ESSS) in ...