(redirected fromBroadway (New York City)) Thesaurus Wikipedia Great White Way n (Theatre) the theatre district on Broadway in New York City Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 201...
New York原译「纽约」,现译为「新乡」。 Pearl Harbour Pearl Harbour原译「珍珠港」,现译为「蚌埠」。 Greenland Greenland原译「格陵兰」,现译为「青岛」。 New Foundland New Foundland原译「纽芬兰」,现译为「新发地」。 Rocktown Rocktown原译「石城」,现译为「石家庄」。 Broadway Broadway原译「百老汇」...
1411 Broadway 16th Floor,New York, NY 10018 Get Directions Transit N, Q, R, W, S, 1, 2, 3, 7 Port Authority (7 blocks) New York Penn Station (3 blocks) Citi Bike station (2 blocks) Parking garage LaGuardia Airport (8.7 miles) ...
Cohan, a pioneer of New York theater. This immersive Broadway experience will unveil the world of auditions, opening nights, triumphs, and heartaches Listen to the riveting stories of legendary performers like Ethel Barrymore, Judy Garland, Humphrey Bogart, Julie Andrews, and more while discovering ...
1 Broadway(百老汇)is a place in New York.Many new plays(戏剧)are put on(上映)on Broadway.If they are successful(成功),they can then go to many cities all over the country.About 50plays are put on each season.So if you go to New York,be sure to visit Broadway.It will be very in...
纽约百老汇酒店及旅舍(Broadway Hotel & Hostel New York) 230 W 101st St, 纽约显示地图 选择房间 查看所有58张照片 3.5分 21.29公里 8.07公里 230米 查看地图 多语种服务 显示所有设施 房间政策 1月27日(周一) - 1月28日(周二), 1间, 1位 选择房间 1晚 1间, 1位 本酒店目前不接受预定 查看其他酒店...
Actor J. Harrison Ghee performs during Broadway in Bryant Park 2017 show at Bryant Park in New York, the United States, on July 13, 2017. The Broadway in Bryant Park 2017 is scheduled to be held on six consecutive Thursdays, beginning from July 6, during which the most popular shows on...
Broadway bound. (New York)Sauvage, Leo
纽约州纽约市百老汇150号, 邮编10038 NY是纽约州的缩写