The 250-acre New York Botanical Garden is the biggest in the United States. It has 50 speciality gardens that house over one million plants. There is a rose garden, a native plant garden that shows off North America's diversity of plants,and trees that are over 200 years old....
The New York Botanical Garden has featured the landscape of the northeast since its founding in 1891. It’s located on a 250-acre site that contains a landscape with over one million living plants, the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory—a greenhouse containing several habitats, and the LuEsther T....
New York Botanical Garden, one of the leading centres of botanical research and floristics in the United States. The 250-acre (101-hectare) garden, located in Bronx Park, New York City, has a plant collection consisting of about 12,000 species from almost every part of the world. Many of...
紐約植物園(New York Botanical Garden)位於紐約布朗克斯的布朗克斯公園(Bronx Park)內, 成立於1891年, 佔地兩百五十英畝並包括五十座花園. 另外植物園內還有瑞輝藥廠(Pfizer)研究實驗室. 植物園保存了五十英畝大的紐約原始森林, 包含了橡樹,美國山毛櫸,櫻桃,白樺,鬱金香和白色水曲柳等 ...
Get insight into the New York Botanical Garden Overview of the New York Botanical Garden; from the documentary Riches, Rivals & Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America. Great Museums Television (A Britannica Publishing Partner) Get insight into the New York Botanical Garden What inspired ...
【题目】 New York Botanical Garden T he 250-acre New York Botanical Garden is t he biggest in the Unite d States. It has 50 spe ciality gardens that house over one million pla nts. T here is a rose garden, a native plant g arden that shows off North America's diversit y of ...
Get insight into the New York Botanical Garden Overview of the New York Botanical Garden; from the documentaryRiches, Rivals... Video: Great Museums Television (A Britannica Publishing Partner) Images Reclining Figure: Anglesfrom an exhibition of Henry Moore's sculptures... ...
植物园于1891年命名为纽约植物园(New York Botanical Garden),当时Torrey植物俱乐部作为法人接受了由国家提供的基金。其前身是由David Hosak于1801年建立的Algin植物园纽约 纽约植物园(New York Botanical Garden) 介绍 植物园于1891年命名为纽约植物园(New York Botanical Garden),当时Torrey植物俱乐部作为法人接受了由...
New York Botanical Garden 美国重要的植物园之一,位于纽约布朗克斯布朗克斯公园。 首页 全部景点 纽约植物园 世界领先的植物实验室。其全年提供大型花展等大型展览,参观游客每年可达八十万人。 纽约植物园周边的景点 修道院博物馆及花园 哈莱姆区国家爵士博物馆 ...