By employing the same measures, as well as the negative log-likelihood function −l(⋅), the sum of squares (SS), and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic along with its corresponding p-value, it becomes evident that the OK-E distribution exhibits the lowest values for −l(⋅), ...
Here, at, we have a statistic that shows real impact and answers this question: what is the percentage of your income you’re spending on premiums?We call it premium as a percentage of income (PaPI). It turns out, New Hampshire residents pay the least of all surrounding ...
This statistic is even more evident when you realize that in the past decade, fabric softener sales have dropped by more than 15%. Today’s washing machines are a lot more advanced and tend to promote the easiest use possible, which makes this old material practically unnecessary and almost e...
Colleges want to see high grades more than another couple of AP exams. While there is no minimum number of APs, expect to see diminishing returns after 6-8 exams for the most selective schools (unless you are consistently scoring 5s on them); less selective schools will be sufficiently imp...
Next Up According to astudy recently releasedby the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety: Nearly 80 percent of drivers expressed significant anger, aggression, or road rage behind the wheel at least once in the past year. “Inconsiderate driving, bad traffic, and the daily stresses of...
The Hansen J statistic of over-identifying restrictions was applied to assess the robustness of these instruments. This suggested that the instruments employed were well suited to the models. To test Hypothesis 2, this paper scrutinizes the moderating effect of financial inclusion on the relationship ...
1982: New York v. Ferber Paul Ferber, who owned an adult store in New York City, was charged after selling two films depicting young boys masturbating. Ferber took the case to court, where it traveled all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court on the grounds that his First and 14th Amendm...
Daily vaginal temperature AUC estimates were calculated using a trapezoidal method, where the rectangular base represented the change in time, in hours, and the height was the difference in maximum and minimum vaginal temperatures; the resulting statistic is reported in degrees Celsius per hour °C*...