Meaning that both women and men can either pay spousal support or be eligible to receive it. There are a few things you need to understand about the challenges of determining New York alimony: The New York maintenance calculator has significant restrictions, may produce an unexpected or unfair ...
Ask us. We know that separation and divorce can be incredibly emotional situations. When you are focused on the important issues of alimony, equitable distribution, child custody and child support, the fact that you may or may not have an estate plan that also needs updating is likely the ...
Spousal Maintenance/Alimony Child Custody & Visitation Child Support Modification of Support Paternity Protecting the Rights of Fathers As a charitable, nonprofit in the state of New York, The Fathers' Rights' Association of New York State, Inc. is comprised completely of volunteers who are dedicated...
The length of support payments is determined by a formula. But if the receiving spouse remarries or the other spouse dies, payments will end. You can calculate the estimated amount of support using a New York courts calculatorhere. For a marriage up to 15 years, maintenance will last for 1...