New Year's Traditions Around the WorldA. Learn something new B. I don't know what will scare off evil spirits C. Make a New Year's resolution D. Red is supposed to bring you love E. Food plays an important role in people's life F. And these fireballs are supposed to clean the...
There are different ways to celebrate New Year in different countries . Let ' s have a look at some New Year ' s traditions around the world . Greece The Greeks celebrate New Year by sharing traditional bread . In this bread ,there is a coin . People eat the bread at midnight . If...
New Year's Tradition Around the World Every country has their ownnew year traditionbut few traditions are same in all the countries and followed till date. In few countries there is tradition of eating 12 grapes as the clock strikes 12, while in other countries following Hogmanay people sing ...
阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。New Year's Traditions Around the World T
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。NewYear's Traditions Around the
New Year's Traditions.m4a音频:00:0003:35 以上文章选自《天天爱英语》杂志。 《天天爱英语》秉持着“学英语不是靠死记硬背和题海战术,要听、说、读、写全面学习”这一理念,与国内外诸多版权方合作,打造集文字、语音、视频于一身...
New Year's Eve Traditions Around the World——First Footing in Scotland 世界跨年习俗大盘点——苏格兰:第一只脚 In Scottish folklore, the “first-foot,” also known as quaaltagh, is the first person crossing the threshold after midnight. A tall, dark-haired male with gifts like coins, coal,...
A major New Year’s food tradition in the American South, Hoppin’ John is a dish of pork-flavored field peas or black-eyed peas (symbolizing coins) and rice, frequently served with collards or other cooked greens (as they’re the color of money) and cornbread (the color of gold). ...