首先下载NEW_xp_CAPTCHA工具 地址:https://github.com/smxiazi 我下载的是大佬直接发布的打包好的环境,包括对应python3.6.6与NEW_xp_CAPTCHA工具脚本 下载完后直接点击运行即可 本地访问http://,看到这个页面,证明没问题 然后就是burp导入插件jar。这里要下载xp_CAPTCHA V4.2里面就有 我导入的是...
NEW_xp_CAPTCHA.zipEd**离殇 上传10.57 KB 文件格式 zip xp_CAPTCHA(瞎跑 白嫖版) burp 验证码 识别 burp插件 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 linux-ipcs 2025-02-19 02:02:06 积分:1 video_player 2025-02-19 02:01:12 积分:1 barcode.parser.js 2025-02-19 01:54:...
若要准确率更高,请用 https://github.com/smxiazi/xp_CAPTCHA (这个调用别人商业成熟的验证码识别接口) 注意 默认使用jdk1.8编译 在最新版的burp2.x中jdk为1x,会导致插件不可用,,使用jdk8编译到不行,请下载jdk16版本试试,若还不行,请自行下载源码使用当前电脑的jdk1x进行编译,谢谢。 爆破时,记得把线程...
3.Check Your Internet Connection A weak or inconsistent internet connection can sometimes interfere with the CAPTCHA or verification process, causing it to reset unexpectedly. Try restarting your router or switching to a more stable network if possible. 4.Disable Browser Extensions Temporarily Some brow...
res = requests.get(url="https://console.zbox.filez.com/captcha/create/reg?_t=1701511836608") ocr = ddddocr.DdddOcr(show_ad=False) code = ocr.classification(res.content)print(code) 但是有些验证码并不是图片格式而是base64 需要解码才能 ...
打开https://www.bing.com并登录,然后访问https://www.bing.com/turing/captcha/challenge,通过人机校验(如果显示无效域,意味着需要自行准备梯子),然后 复制出来的内容应该如下所示。确认格式无误后,打开https://bing.github1s.tk/#dialog=%22settings%22,粘贴进去,点击“转成 BING_COOKIE 并复制”,然后从剪切板...
Can not join Windows xp to Windows 2012 R2 on Domain Can not restore a deleted AD Object on Windows 2012 Server using several different methods Can only log into Windows with pre-Windows 2000 login username Can ping a server by fqdn but not by host. Can Server 2016 Nano Server run the ...
Client Side Integrity Bypass Mitigation will be set to Alarm and CAPTCHA. CAPTCHA Bypass Mitigation will be set to Alarm and CAPTCHA. Detection and prevention duration will be derived from previous values. Enforcement of both the source-based and distributed brute force protections depends on the Bl...
If not Show them traffic lights or captcha. You could find ways to know they are humans not bots.. By the way; the minute someone ask me for money on already free stuff, I am out! Reply F Foxtrot2Novmbr t7R 20 Oct 2023 justasmile, 20 Oct 2023People who make these dummy ...
Once the captcha is completed, close the internal browser window and BID will rescan the page. If BID is failing to load a page and BID does not detect Cloudflare (or other) similar blockers, open the URL using BID's internal browser by using the "BID Site Login" function (Ctrl+Alt+...