Best Healer Build in New World You are always looked upon for support when you choose to use a Life Staff. Specific builds would help you become one of the best healers in the game. If you want to focus more on supporting friends in fights and expeditions and don’t care about dealing ...
The following is a PvP Splash of Light healing build for Life Staff in New World. It is a niche build that capitalizes on using Splash of Light to heal group members who are a far distance away, or who are out of line of sight. This great for groups who dedicate to backline dive,...
While there are no set classes in the game, you can still play the role of a healer in New World if you have the right weapon and build and with this guide, we will give you an idea of some of the best builds to try out if you are going to be a healer. Hatchet and Heals Exp...
In PvP the Life Staff offers a variety of build options that range from focused burst healing to complete Area of Effect (AoE) spread to heal an entire War roster or Outpost Rush team. The Life Staff provides incredible PvP support not only through its healing properties, but its array of ...
This New World DPS build works well both in parties and when playing solo. When in a party you’ll be able to position yourself behind enemies, using your great axe to deal huge damage via critical hits. If you grab the right passive abilities you’ll even heal yourself as you deal dam...
We’ve put together some advice on how to choose your New World PvP build, and some tips that will help you get the edge on your opponents in battle. Best PvP build in New World Open-world PvP is frequently all about kiting, staying out of range of enemies until you choose to hit...
Updated November 1, 2021 by Harry Alston:New World is almost completely broken in its current form. It's only right to update this best PvP build guide with the most meta builds currently in the game. That's the Great Axe, by the way. Just the Great Axe. Read on for the most broke...
In New World, the new Void Gauntlet weapon was just available for us to playtest and try out on a server and if you're looking for the best setup, then this is the guide for you.
New World Reekwater Territory Map, with locations of Settlement, Fort, Landmarks, NPCs, Fast Travel Points, Monster Areas with Monster Level, Chests, Lore Pages & Expeditions. Subscribe to help stay online and grow in the future, read more....
The spear and musket build is one of the best builds you can come up with if you plan on acing the PvP mode in New World. The build is intended to help you stand your ground in both long-ranged and close encounters. The spear in this build is more damaging than ever. ...