McGinty Gets New Role to Aid WolfHARRISBURG -- Katie McGinty, Democratic gubernatorial nominee TomWolf's choice to head the...Brad BumstedGideon Bradshaw
Tvinna - Two - Wings Of Ember (By Norse)Útgarðar - Fire Smoked Upon The Wolf's Back (ATMF)Vincent Crowley - Anthology Of Horror (Hammerheart) March 1, 2024Alienist - Love/Hate EP (UNFD)Beyrevra - Echoes: Vanished Lore Of Fire (Trollzorn)Big Big Train - The Likes Of Us (...
stress response plasticity, and reaction to brain injury in adults. These sex differences result from both hormonal and non hormonal sex-specific mechanisms of brain plasticity, which lead to a sex difference in the adaptive response of the brain to several types of injury, regardless of age. ...
Satterthwaite TD, Wolf DH, Roalf DR, Ruparel K, Erus G, Vandekar S, Gennatas ED, Elliott MA, Smith A, Hakonarson H, Verma R, Davatzikos C, Gur RE, Gur RC. Linked Sex Differences in Cognition and Functional Connectivity in Youth. Cereb Cortex. 2014 Apr 25. PubMed PMID: 24646613. ...
I have examined all InfraRed Astronomy Satellite ( IRAS ) data relevant to the 173 galactic Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in an updated catalogue provided by van der Hucht (priv. comm.), including the 13 stars newly discovered by Shara et al . (1991). Using the exact coordinates given in these...
19. van den Broek IVF, van Cleef BAGL, Haenen A, Broens EM, van der Wolf PJ, van den Broek MJM, Huijsdens XW, Kluytmans JAJW, van de Giessen AW, Tiemersma EW. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in people living and working in pig farms. Epidemiol Infect. 2009;137:700–8...
In line with the Latin expression “sed parva forti” meaning “small but mighty,” the family Parvoviridae contains many of the smallest known viruses, some of which result in fatal or debilitating infections. In recent years, advances in metagenomic vi
However, the field still faces several challenges to develop agents that are consistently effective in a majority of patients and cancer types, such as optimizing drug dose, overcoming treatment resistance and improving efficacy in solid tumours. A new generation of T cell-targeted molecules was ...
This definition was made more precise by Gowers and Wolf, who then defined the true complexity of a form to be the least such that is controlled by the norm. For instance, and have true complexity ; has true complexity ; has true complexity ; The form (which among other things ...
McInnes47 recognized two types of eggs of Dac. ambiguus from Signy Island, Antarctica and noted that the first type had many processes in which the process bases were connected, while the second type had fewer unconnected processes. The overall morphology of the second type of eggs is reminiscen...