Suresh Raina Youth Voter Awareness Ambassador Vivek Kumar Gupta Part-time government director Rajiv Anand Chairman of Max Life Insurance SBI Pension Funds Private Limited Pension Fund Manager Mohammed Al Ramsi Chairman of World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 Lalbiaktluanga Khiangte Chief Secretary of...
While India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP Act, 2023) and the subsequent rules don’t mention health data as a separate category, when the act was still a billback in 2019, it used to have a provision for sensitive personal data. This included a range of categories incl...
2022. Available online: (accessed on 21 May 2023). Gurajala, S.; White, J.S.; Hudson, B.; Voter, B.R.; Matthews, J.N. Profile characteristics of fake Twitter accounts. Big Data Soc. 2016, 3, 1–13. [Google ...
Click hereto download the Conference brochure which describes all 42 classes andhereto register your team for the Conference. Every 2023 CNYC member cooperative and condominium is entitled to one free all-day registration; rates for additional members and for CNYC subscribers are modest. The public i...
Say every voter gets one transferable Quota Share. Each Quota Share is entitled to a transferable equal fraction of the year’s total production target, set by the state. While actual allocations would be done at the state level, national numbers are available to work with. The RANDReportfor...
•Expanding voter access to Native Americans, those formerly incarcerated and providing with better automatic registration, and a permanent absentee list (HB 4). The bill was contested by Republicans at every step of the way—but the Dems stood together to pass it. ...
The voter-approved initiative prevents a person from being elected or appointed to serve in the United States Senate or the United States House of Representatives if the person would become 81 years older by December 31 of the year preceding the end of their term. “A “yes” vote supported...
The most optimistic estimate in the literature claims that in a presidential election, an American voter could have as high as a one in 10 million chance of determining the final result, and only if the voter is living in one of three or four ‘swing states’ and votes for a major-party...
This bot allowed people to enter someone’s phone number and receive details like the person’s Aadhaar number, vaccination status, gender, and date of birth. Besides vaccination details, the bot alsorevealedother private information such as voter IDs, passport numbers, and family members’ ...
This bot allowed people to enter someone’s phone number and receive details like the person’s Aadhaar number, vaccination status, gender, and date of birth. Besides vaccination details, the bot alsorevealedother private information such as voter IDs, passport numbers, and family members’ ...