檢視即將推出新 Outlook 的功能 查看新 Outlook 即將推出哪些功能的最佳方式是遵循Microsoft 365 藍圖。 如需更新的詳細資訊,包括組織中特定變更的時間和功能發行狀態,請在 Microsoft 365訊息中心訂閱這些更新。 目標發行和 Standard 版本的可預測性和時間 在新的 Outlook 中,新功能會先在目標版本中推出,且至少 ...
现在新安装Micro..今天帮领导重装365,自动安装后居然只有OUTLOOK(NEW),没了OUTLOOK FOR WINDOWS,以前还能回退到旧版,现在回退没什么作用,时间太急,没办法再测试。OUTLOOK(NEW)这
Outlook has a new home for Microsoft 365 Groups - one place to connect, communicate, and collaborate with your team. Groups Home provides a central destination to get critical information from all the different groups you may be part of.Benefits of the new Groups experience include:...
If you're using the Outlook app (Version 2303 Build 16227.20318) installed as part of your Microsoft 365 subscription, or the Mail and Calendar apps included with your Windows 10 or 11 device, you may see the toggleTry the new Outlookin the upper right-hand corner of the ap...
I would like to upgrade my Outlook to the "new" version 1.2024.625.600. Unfortunately, this version no longer allows me to enter an account name for the incoming mail server when adding an account. It must always be an email address. Although I can log in to the SOGo web interface with...
TheTry the new Outlooktoggle lets any Microsoft 365 user enable a separate (new) Outlook version. You can launch either version from the start menu. At first, both Outlook versions had the same name and the only quick way to distinguish them was to look at the icon: the new Outlook had...
Click the \"Try the New Outlook\" toggle to try the new features\n\n NOTE: You can switch back to your previous Outlook experience whenever you want. Just switch the toggle off and it will automatically open your previous version with no data or email loss.\...
Yes, the new version of Outlook for Mac is available with E3 plans and the Office 365 ProPlus benefit. It will not be available with an E1 only license. See here on new Office 365 ProPlus benefit. Can I run this side by side with my existing version of Outlook for Mac ...
Tip:You can switch back whenever you want, just switch the toggle off in the new Outlook and it will automatically open the classic version. Customize the experience Explore personalization options and settings If you switched from the classic Outlook for Windows...
Office Version: Office 365_64-bitOutlook Version: Outlook 2016 64-bitI am using Acrobat Pro: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Acrobat.exeVersion: 23.8.20533.0 Creation Date: 2024/02/10 I recently upgraded the office 365 and along it came with "...