The next Title Update, coming in March will introduce an all-new style of Stunt Races specifically designed to the extraordinary abilities of GTA Online Special Vehicles: the Rocket Voltic, the Ruiner 2000 and the Blazer Aqua. Each set of Races will play to the super powe...
Hit the streets today with the new café racer inspired Pegassi Vortex motorcycle and starting this Friday, it’s time to enjoy the dark revelries of Halloween weekend in GTA Online with the release of the frightful new LCC Sanctus motorcycle, a...
These new vehicles are around as an INCENTIVE to old players for upgrading. With R* charging a price for the upgrade, the company does need to release some kind of incentive to entice players to pay again for effectively the same content. This happens all the time in videogames with things...
i actually saw a walkthrough of all the VCS Vehicles and I saw a normal VCPD Chopper (The one u can get your hands on easily) and another 1 that was green instead of white!!! Yea omg i saw that too put in gta vcs on google look through the pahes until u see a french site cl...
Select Custom Weaponized Vehicles can now be used in Races, where appropriate — weapons will be disabled outside of GTA Races. Bicycles will be added to the list of vehicles that can be requested from your Personal Garage when calling the Mechanic. ...
the rewards can only be unlocked if the GTA Online character is imported from the PS3 or Xbox 360 versions. The good real benefit of importing a character over to the new editions are the extensive array of new jobs, new properties, new vehicles, an arsenal of new weapons, and a more ...
Reviews about GTA 5 Cars, Vehicles List in GTA 5, Cars List including Sports cars, Supercars, Muscle, Coupe, SUVs and other vehicles. also provide the latest information and news
000 bonus cash to spend in GTA Online* Launch your criminal empire - Launch business ventures from your Maze Bank West Executive Office, research powerful weapon technology from your underground Gunrunning Bunker, and use your Counterfeit Cash Factory A fleet of powerful vehicl...
Competitive motorsport has arrived in GTA Online and it’s in a hurry. Two brand new open-wheel ultra-performance vehicles. Seven high-speed tracks. Dozens of split-second decisions, from the tyres you use, to whether you take that all-important pit stop. And above all: one seat, one dr...
A procedurally generated mission mod. This mod uses the street phones as mission givers and as a way of setting options for mission types Ui, audio, available phone lists, custom vehicles and more. There's 25 main mission types set in six zones with some unique missions for each zone, the...