in Fallout 2 it faces New Reno and Vault City in the competition for control over the northern half of California; in Fallout: New Vegas, it opposes the marauding army of Caesar's Legion in a titanic struggle for control over the Mojave Wasteland and the Hoover Dam which, according to ...
The Speech check to tell the Overseer that he doesn't have enough population to sustain the vault has been changed from Speech 75 to Science 50. xp reward for completing the Fallout 3 main quest has been increased from 1200 to 10000. ...
Enter the vault, and the door will lock behind you. Take everything in the room that you want including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the gold bar on the Overseers desk. Deactivate the security system, and activate the computer on the desk. Then, only read “Vera...
The first group to emerge and found a new town were the ghoulified inhabitants of Vault 12 beneath Bakersfield. The Necropolis was founded in Summer 2083.[Non-game 6] Less than a year later, in 2084, Set wrested control of the settlement from the original overseer.[Non-game 7] The ...
Gotta turn the initial stats at the beginning of the mod into something sensible for the duration of the mod, making an eventual handshake with New Vegas at ~level 9 - 11. Fix the Overseer Announcement voice. Currently his mouth is a loudspeaker on his 2nd greeting! XD Hi, Oversee...