Welcome to the Fallout New Vegas wiki! This wiki is designed to be your one-stop shop for all information on Fallout New Vegas and its modding scene. Much of the content here is created by you, the users. If you want to contribute, log in using your Nexus Mods account and start writi...
Archive Invalidaion - How to useArchive invalidation is a feature that is necessary for Fallout3\New Vegas modding.It is essential for the installation of custom textures. By default they'll not overwrite the default game textures, so you need o trigger archive invalidation, so that the new ...
Viva New Vegas is a modding guide for Fallout: New Vegas that will carefully walk you through how to install all the mods you will need for a perfectly stable, smooth and enjoyable experience. The guide is highly accessible for everyone, no matter your modding experience. It is still incre...
Scripting and Modding Complete Setup GuideI figured since I've assembled the GECK Complete Scripting Package Notepad Plus Plus, it would make sense to create a Scripting & Modding Complete Setup Guide with an updated list of "must have" mods, tools and plugins for a pleasant modding/scripting ...
SelectNew Vegas, clickNext. Select the store where you bought the game, clickNext. When asked about profile settings,enable all optionsand clickNext. Keep thedefault locationfile path. ClickConnect to Nexus. If you have MO2 installed on an SSD or a HDD with little space, you can check th...
点击Finish,MO2将自动启动。此时如弹出“Show tutorial?”窗口,选择“No”;如弹出“Register?”窗口,选择“No”。 此时MO2应如图所示,点击被红圈圈中的按钮打开设置页面。 在此处的Language一栏中选择“Chinese(Simplified)”,点击OK切换为简体中文。 MO2管理器主界面说明,来自KYK的Fallout:New Vegas一站式问题解决...
After this many years, some incredibly dedicated modding teams have made what basically amounts to a new game.Beyond Boulder Dometakes you out of Vegas and up to Boulder, Colorado, for a completely new environment, quests, armor, monsters, and everything else. The plot revolves around the Bo...
Seddon4494 - This mod wouldn't have been possible without his very helpful GECK tutorial series. Kyle & Kira - If their mod F*ckable Companions didn't exist for me to dissect, I likely would have remained too intimidated to try modding on this scale. ...
Enabled smooth scrolling on the text boxes of the Tutorial and Level Up menus and the quest stages at the Pip-Boy. Removed the wiping of the hardcoded red color on skill-check failed dialog topics on New Vegas. It’s too complex and does not remove the skill marks, while Stewie’s Twea...
Again, sure, it’s not the best of the Fallout games, but that’s just because it’s so different to the gorgeous, vast, single-player adventures of Fallout 4 and New Vegas, but it’s still a great way to get a glimpse of the franchise in an entirely different genre. Fallout ...