USAF MC-130J Amphib Aircraft Is Coming . . . Later This Year Boeing: McDonnell Douglas X-36 – Tailless Stealth Fighter 1910: The Beginnings of a Pioneering Airshow in California Ft Worth Aviation Museum – Anniversary of a FAS Stopover ...
The USAF has left open the option of pursuing an all-new aircraft that could be designed specifically for the OA-X, perhaps with heavier armour for the pilot. The USAF is clear that even if an acquisition process is launched for OA-X, it will not be a follow-on order to the winne...
Darren Mottram has made amajor update to "Motty's Aircraft Pages" on HyperScale's HobbyVista server. These relate to Air Power Days at Osan, in Korea, from 6 & 7 October last year. The aircraft types covered include; USAF: F-16Cs (OS, WP, WW), F-15Cs (ZZ), A-10 (OS), HH...
Rodger Kelly examines Impact Decals' 1/48 scale release, VMF-225/VMA-225 Part 1 Piston Engine Aircraft. Images of the cover, the instructions and the decal sheet are included. From the 2009 Shizuoka Hobby Show, Hasegawa has announced the future release of a 1/32 scale Shoki and a P-40N...