Unlike previous years, you will no longer need to obtain or use the Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity to enjoy the 100% buff to Alliance Point, XP, and Tel Var Stone gains. These bonuses will now be shared passively to adventurers competing throughout Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegr...
POLITICO obtained a portion of Schumer’s remarks in which he provided an update on where the party could make gains in the Senate. “We have decent chances of picking up three seats: We’re even in Texas. We’re a point or two behind in Nebraska. We’re only 3...
PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds (PUGB) has introduced an update on the game’s television servers. The update adds the introduction of the Deagle hand cannon, a larger BP store selection, and an amphibious assault vehicle. Also, you can experience changes in some existing items that include Gas C...
tgthr India and BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA (BGMI) have launched the “Kya Lagta Hai?” (translation: What Do You Think) campaign. The campaign is designed to familiarize BGMI enthusiasts with the game’s diverse array of gameplay modes in the most fun manner possible. ...
As it turns out, thePUBG New Statecollaboration withAmong Usis not amere April Fool’s joke. Theofficial Twitter account has announced the collaboration to be arriving with the April updatewithout disclosing further details. According to the4gamer release,PUBG New Stateplayers will be able ...