SleepApneaGenetic engineeringRespirationSleepSleep disordersApproximately one in ten women and one in four men exhibit signs of sleep-disordered breathing, an umbrella term for a set of conditions that includes sleep apnea. Sleep apnea, in turn, comes in multiple variants, the most common of which...
A Wayne State University researcher's innovative use of a new tool may make surgery a more viable option for sufferers of obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Ho-Sheng Lin, M.D., a fellow with the American College of Surgeons and professor of otolaryngology-head and neck surger...
this study determined that obstructive sleep apnea is not simply a marker for poor health, but is actually an independent risk factor for open-angle glaucoma. The relationship between the two conditions is significant, given the large numbers of people world...
The Morrison government’s sleep health awareness inquiry called for the issue to be made a national priority and sleep recognised as the “third pillar" of a healthy lifestyle alongside diet and exercise, demanding extra funding for research and treatment to help sufferers. ...
Hence the impasse in the development of effective treatments for unhappiness. Human and nonhuman animals are all born addicts, dependent on endogenous opioids and engineered by natural selection to have no lasting way to satisfy their cravings. Our addiction might seem untreatable: exogenous opioid ...
Russell Russo offers innovative treatments that he brought from his experience treating professional athletes in Houston back to his hometown of New Orleans. Read more HEALTH Have Yourself a Healthy Little Christmas November 30, 2015 Meri Monsour 257 Manage your diabetes during the holidays. ...
Benzodiazepines: rapid and more effective in short term than other treatments, but tolerance and dependence make them genemlly unsuitable for regular treatment: may interfere with success of behavior thcrapy. Beta-blockers: useful if somatie symptoms of anxiety arc prominent but not severe (more ...
There’s an interesting study in about this question (do people spend more on health care if they are covered by insurance). The answer appears to be yes (though we still need a few more years of data to be sure about the long term savings of wellness treatments). But it is also rat...
Ampakines Show Promise As A New Treatment For Sleep Apnea SufferersKornhauser, Stanley H
New hope for sleep-apnea sufferersIRENE MAHER