No other Careers I can think of in The Sims 4 have Reward Traits for completion, but the Conservationist does. Both branches get a unique reward trait, a design decision that if spread to every other Career would add some depth and purpose to the Careers system. They also unlock a unique...
Gameplay Overhaul Mod Burglars, Dine Out, Gardening improvements and more! Support my project to improve The Sims 4's gameplay on Patreon. Add Comment
@abcQ9Sh53QaL4R No problem! I knew about this because I had the exact same problem as I said, I had two trait mods, All Traits in CAS and SanMyshuno: Become Human, both are basically trait mods. Once I removed them both, everything worked properly.I just fixed min...
Known Cause: AD(H)D trait by FiendMods Note:When a custom trait is removed, Sims will lose the trait and not be automatically given a new one. Symptom: Male Sims are invisible Known Cause: Various sliders Note: These mods can be removed without your Sims' shape changing. Man...
新生命形态——幽影 Wraiths a new life state [模拟人生4 综合区] 水疗日特征 New Spa Day Traits [模拟人生4 综合区] 厨艺苦手特征 Culinarily Inept Trait [模拟人生4 综合区] 特征——忧郁/极度忧郁(Melancholic Trait for Sims 4 ) [模拟人生4 综合区] 共收到 0 菊花 我要打赏 打赏榜 显示所...
showtraitmenu— Allows the player to re-pick their traits. player.setlevel<number>— Allows the player to set their level. player.resethealth— Restore NPC’s health. player.agerace<number>— As long as the race has properly defined child and elder sub-races, this will change them according...
Gameplay Ideas for Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Updated Trait Cheats Updated Traits List Updated Aspirations List Updated Support Us Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides som...
Known Cause: AD(H)D trait by FiendMods Note:When a custom trait is removed, Sims will lose the trait and not be automatically given a new one. Symptom: Male Sims are invisible Known Cause: Various sliders Note: These mods can be removed without your Sims' shape changing. Ma...
(22)) aanndd bbyyththrereeetetmempepreartuatruesrems emaseuarseumreemnte(n7t),(w7)e, hwaevehcaovnefigcounrefidguthreedextpheerimexepnetraitmioennstacetinoanrioscsehnoawrino isnhoFwignurien9F.iTghuereh9e.atTflhoewhesaetnfsloorw(HseFnSs)oisr t(hHeFHS)uikssethfleuxHTuMkmseofldu.xHTMFmP0o...
Nmoutletipthliecaptrioongsrawmhiischwarirtetewn riinttethneuCsilnagngMuAagTeLeAxBcespytnftoarx.thTehme amtraitxriixnittyiapleizaistioannsa, dindviteirosniotnoatnhde mlanugltuipagliecaatsioinnsMwAhTicLhAaBr,evwarriiatbtelens uasrienngoMt dAeTclLaAreBd saysntthaexy. aTreheinmCa.tFriixgutyrep8...