Title IX is the federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education, and while Title IX addresses a wide variety of educational issues, issues relating to athletics are the most contentious. Through Title IX, the federal government is attempting to right the wrongs of past discrimination by...
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined by the liberals on the court, Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson, and by conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch, wrote in her partial dissent, "By blocking the Government from enforcing scores of regulations that respondents never challenged and that bear no ...
The new regulations, which fall under Federal Title IX laws, gives the accused the presumption of innocence and the right to question the accuser in live on campus hearings, through a lawyer or other representatives. "What these rules try to do is implement...
AAUW joined more than 110 gender justice, civil rights, students’ rights, and LGBTQ+ organizations in urging members of Congress to oppose this harmful resolution. Said Blackwell, “Today’s vote is antithetical to the fundamental promise of Title IX, that all students deser...
image and likeness (NIL) valuations for college athletes in the nation. But a lawsuit filed against the soon-to-be Big Ten Conference program on Nov. 29, 2023, puts the university at the center of a dispute over gender equity in college sports, including with respect to its inv...
What does this all mean for campuses that are working hard now to revise their policies and procedures to comply with Title IX regulations that, absent this litigation, go into effect in about 60 days? Plaintiffs in one or both suits could possibly be successful in obtaining a postponement of...
New Balance, the New Balance logo, the flying NB logo, N (design), newbalance.com, the newbalance.com logo, nbpacesetters.com and other New Balance trademarks and logos are registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks of New Balance (the “New Balance Trademarks”), and the trade...
Programs failing to meet regulations face no fines, however; educators were somewhat confused when I asked about penalties for failing to meet regulations, as can be the norm in America. Instead, they told me, local kindergarten officials help programs improve. “That approach is just the ...
Title IX laws that seek to balance benefits provided to male and female student athletes. That new subdivision of universities also would be allowed to work together to create new rules — everything from transfer policies to roster sizes...
The university did not respond to multiple inquiries on Monday and Tuesday about the legality of the program.Title IXof the Education Amendments Act of 1972 generally prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, though there areexceptions.