The film begins with Glinda (the Good Witch of the North) recounting their relationship as Elphaba (or The Wicked Witch of the West) has just died to much celebration. Whether viewers are familiar with the novels, the 1939 film, or the stage version, the rich history is well-combined. Th...
The expected Dirty Harry catchphrase in Sudden Impact is, “Go ahead, make my day” which is probably what the film is best remembered for though some assume the famous line appears in Dirty Harry. This isn’t a glowing testament for Sudden Impact. United States President Ronald Reagan embar...
It is a testament to human flexibility, agility, plasticity, and especially neuroplasticity. This is a perspective contrary to many researchers who, understandably, remain very concerned, as we do, for the safety of humans in space. There has been little room for respect for just how good the...