TCGsince 2006, with his first experiences in the game just playing with friends at his local TCG store and watching the anime series. All these years later and he’s no stranger to the competitive scene, with some top finishes and a couple of YCS wins already under his belt before the w...
But the deck has been left behind a little – not given much extra support, and hampered by changes to the Yugioh banlist, like the banning of Baronne. These new cards look to change that, and will certainly make Swordsoul Tenyi more viable, perhaps even making a pure Tenyi build a...
The new update will bring a new selection pack featuring many new cards, a new structure deck as well as an update to the in-game banlist. New Selection Pack: Wandering Travelers NEW SELECTION PACK: Wandering Travelers, which introduces Adventurer Token and Floowandereeze and more new cards ...