Before signing up for a personal loan against your tax return, be sure to read and understand the terms and conditions. Make sure you are aware of all the fees, penalties, interest rates, repayment schedules and other important details related to your loan agreement. Be sure you can comfortab...
UN Peacebuilding Commission For the term 2025-2026 Mallika Srinivasan Chairperson of the Public Enterprises Selection Board Yamandú Orsi 43rd President of Uruguay Rahul Bhave New MD & CEO of IFCI October 2024 Name of the PersonDesignation Ram Singh, Saugata Bhattacharya, and Nagesh Kumar External...
Initial hopes that Trump’s promises of tax cuts and tariffs might help smaller stocks have faded, as expectations that they would push up inflation lifted bond yields and the dollar. Some notable “Trump trades,” or bets on what the incoming president will do, have been highly profitable ...
ECONOMYNEXT – The effective tax rate on Sri Lanka banks is expected to be around 70 percent for the past financial year after a ‘super gains’ style tax was proposed for the second time and a so-called ‘financial VAT’ was increased, a tax expert said. Sri Lanka in the b...
Hit hard by the COVID pandemic, rising oil prices and the Rajapaksa government's populist tax cuts, Sri Lanka is in the midst of its worst economic crisis since independence in 1948, with rampant inflation and shortages of fuel and other essentials. A consignment o...
Initially developed as an internal tool for our tax practitioners, the popularity of this tool led to the decision to share it on a wide basis with our friends and clients. We hope that you will find this edition of the publication useful and that it will find a permanent place on your ...
By Anshul Singhal, Editor Updated February 26 2024Highlights: New Brunswick announced a new pilot program to provide economic immigration New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot is a joint project between the Federal Government and New Brunswick The new pilot program will facilitate economic immigration ...
Sri Lanka used to give tax free car permits to MPs in the past, and they had to pay for the cost of the vehicle. The current administration is planning to give entire car from tax payer funds and presumably maintain it also at tax payer expense. ...
Canada Tax changes affecting Start-Up visa applicants in 2025 Top 10 In-demand jobs for Canada Express Entry Applicants in 2025. Apply now! Germany aims to issue 40,000 citizenship applications in 2025. Apply Now! Breaking News! IRCC announces the removal of LMIA-based job offer points from ...
ECONOMYNEXT – The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce has commended Sri Lanka’s 2025 Budget for maintaining policy consistency by retaining the existing tax framework and avoiding ad-hoc tax measures to match the expenditure proposals. “The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce welcomes bold proposals in the budget ...