Chrome 浏览器的 newtab 在默认情况下,由早期的空白页(about:blank)不知道什么时候开始变成了 Google 搜索框: 默认chrome://newtab 如果你想去掉这个搜索框,解决办法是在 Chrome 设置中把地址栏搜索引擎从 Google 改成其他。这时候你会发现,Google 搜索框确实是不见了,可 newtab 的内容又变成了 8 个历史记录...
要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕报告New Google Tab 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的威胁。 儿童...
🔗 为此我找到了「Super Evil New Tab Redux」这款 Chrome 插件,我的需求才得以解决。这款插件可以为 newtab 设置背景色,可以添加自定义 HTML、CSS、JS 代码。 插件接管 newtab 之后,默认背景是黑色的,建议修改 Background Color 为白色,或者设...
If you are not a fan of the New Tab page on Google, there is a way you can actually revert to the old layout. This can be done by: Opening a new tab in Chrome by pressingCTRL + Nor the tab button beside an open tab. Enteringchrome://flagsinto the address bar. ...
天,昨天开始遇到这个问题,还没有留心,结果今天多次使用chrome的时候,就发现有些不对了。。打开chrome的新标签页,结果出现了自动跳转的问题我自动跳转的是下面这个网页: 解决方法其实很简单…访问下面的网页就好了意思是...
Use one of the following methods to open a bookmark directly in a new tab on Google Chrome. Method 1: Right-click the bookmark and select “Open in new tab“. The screenshot below shows how to open bookmarks in new tab if your bookmarks are on the Bookmarks bar in Chrome. To enable...
To quickly open a link in a new tab on Google Chrome, hold down the control button while clicking on it with your mouse. On a Mac computer, hold down the command button rather than control. Advertisement Article continues below this ad Open Link in New Tab It's often useful to have we...
Method 1: Changing New Tab’s Settings There is a setting that you can change from your New Tab which hides the most visited sites from the New Tab. Here is how you can do those settings:- Once you open the New Tab check on your lower-right corner there should be an option to edit...
When you middle click on a link in Google Chrome, or right click on a link and then select "Open In New Tab", the link will be opened in background. If you want to view the newly created tab, you will have to activate it manually. ...