Lastly, reset the browser to its default configuration if nothing else helps fix the new tab not opening issue. Doing this removes installed extensions, deletes cookies, and all other temporary site data.Step 1: Open Google Chrome Settings from the three-dot menu at the top right....
New Releases in Extensions, Apps, Games or Themes The Read Time 0.0.5 for ChromeNew! Productivity Extension / Updated: September 18, 2024 Enhance your reading efficiency with adjustable speed controls... Read MoreDownload CrxProductivity TabColab 0.0.5 for ChromeNew!
By default, the New Tab page in Chrome is Google Search and shortcuts to your most visited websites. To change the New Tab page, follow the steps below. By default, the New Tab page in Chrome is Google Search and shortcuts to your most visited websites. If you don’t like the defa...
InfinityNe..自定义壁纸,这里选了超人0.0自带的备忘录功能,界面小清新,老婆什么的可以忽略掉 内置了非常多非常多的网站,只需要搜索一下添加到您的标签页上就可以使用啦搜索引擎设置,主引擎有三个,google,百度和
For most people the default New Tab Page in Chrome works perfectly well for their purposes. But if you would prefer to choose what opens in a new tab
How to Change the New Tab Page in Google Chrome? Before we get into details, let’s make things clear. By default, Google’s Chrome New Tab Page includes a Google logo, a search bar, and thumbnails of your most visited websites. You get here by opening a New Tab. This is NOT your...
今天要介紹的Google Chrome套件:「NewTab」,顧名思義,就是幫你把網頁中的連結直接點開到新分頁中。 NewTab使用上非常簡單,安裝套件後,當游標移動到連結上時,超連結尾端(右方)會出現一個NewTab按鈕,點擊這棵按鈕就可以把網頁連結開啟在新分頁中了!對於常常使用筆電等觸控版裝置用戶來說,這個套件確實可以省下不...
In Google Chrome*, Navigate to the “New Results” page. Press F12 to open the Chrome Developer tools. Click and hold the “refresh” toolbar button. Select “Empty Cache and Hard Reload” from the menu. Alternatively, you can also use Mozilla Firefox* or Microsoft* Edge. Platform ...
The Best New Tab Blockers for Google Chrome In case you’re searching for a quick and free solution that would help you eliminate unwanted new tabs from opening, you might want to consider using a tab-blocking extension. Luckily, there are quite a few of them on the market. Here’s a...
const link = await page.$('selector') await // at this time, a new page was successful opened in a new tab in chromium // get all page let pages = await browser.pages() for (const page of pages) { console.log(page.url()) // new page not appear at here } /...