Chrome New Tab serves free extensions for the Google Chrome web browser. Customize your browser's new tab page and display different wallpapers each run.
Repository files navigation README new-tab-chrome-extension 我不想让我的chrome的new tab页看起来很单调,所以这个项目是用来自定义我的chrome的new tab页的 参考引用 About my new tab chrome extension Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 stars...
由于我不会js, 也不会写插件 不过我发现, new tab 所使用的图片, 是 ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/background.jpg 并且是热加载的: 只要文件一变化, chrome 会跟着变 那事情就简单了: 我只要把 todo list 写到图片里, 那么chrome 就能实时更新 ...
New Tab Redirect 上面的扩展都不符合你的需求?只需要进行简单的设置,New Tab Redirect 扩展可以让你把新标签页指向你想要的任何一个网站。在打开新标签页的时候,整个网络都在你的指尖。 除了这 8 个新标签页扩展之外,Chrome 上还有很多类似的扩展。无论你的需求是什么,相信总会有最适合你的那一个。试想每打开...
我找到一个简约的、干净的chrome插件,new tab redirect。下载安装地址 安装后,可以在配置中配置新标签页要跳转的页面,设置完后、能跳转,一切就形成了闭环。 配置页面: chrome-extension://icpgjfneehieebagbmdbhnlpiopdcmna/options.html 希望你的操作越来越顺畅、方便、直接。
This extension changes standard New Tab to awesome with your favorite background. It allows you to customize background image as you want. Now you can easily choose color, add dark theme, tile customization and much more. Enjoy! ⇩Download Chrome New Tab ...
New Tab Notes is a Chrome Extension designed to transform your new tab page into a clean, distraction-free notepad. It provides rich text formatting, auto-saving, and syncing functionalities, making note-taking seamless across your devices. ...
New Tab Chrome Extension This was created for students with ADHD or your standard procrastinator. This new tab will catch you before you navigate away from your current project and remind you of what you have to do. There is also an relaxing interactive particle background that enables users ...
Infinity New Tab is a freeProductivityExtension for Chrome. You could download thelatest version crx fileorold version crx filesand install it. Also Infinity New Tab is included in the following topics: 1.Top Pick Productivity Extensions
1 使用过Infinitynewtab或者叫Infinity新标签页的人都知道里面有个附加搜索引擎,一开始我也不会设置,后来向这个chrome扩展程序的开发者详细询问之后,整理出一个教程。1.在你要添加的搜索引擎中搜索任意内容,例如在百度百科中搜索 "infinity",这样我们就能得到一个搜索url:2.用%s替换查询参数,得到url:3.输入替换好...