Perhaps just forthe challenge of fitting a game into 40 kilobytes of storage. That at least seems to be the motivation behind [Morphcat Games] pending release ofMicro Mages, a new game for the Nintendo Entertainment System console that takes its inspiration fromSuper Mario Bros. The interesting...
“restorations” that tweak thecolorandsoundof SNES-to-GBA ports to be more faithful to the originals; or weird ROM hacks like any one of thedozens of overhauledPokémongamesavailable on eBay. Sometimes, these bootleg cartridges can also be a way to play official releases that are too...
A small but growing community in the retro emulation scene is aiming to answer those questions with a class of mods and hacks called "randomizers." Shuffle up and deal At their most basic level, randomizer mods shuffle the data in a game's ROM so that each run becomes a new and ...
No go with either of Video Cards from the new Mac Pros. We’ll have more details later, but there’s a preliminary first look summary. If you have an 800MHz Mac Pro now – the GT120 ought to become a nice option all around… And the 4870 maybe too for those wanting that super vid...
@hackspett @Erlo @Jigsaw064 @Kiwi @MBS @dmurceha @millady @Martin555. @rekoy yord @Gertje @new2you82 @pol2022 @silvio63 We want to say HELLO and wish you a warm welcome Additionally, we hope, that you will have a ...