New Super Luigi U (stylized as New Super Luigi Bros. U) is the fifth installment of the New Super Mario Bros. series released on the Wii U which was originally released as an expansion to New Super Mario Bros. U, and it was also sold as a standalone game
New Super Luigi U (Wii U) Box Art Details Written by Luke *** gplus Digg Gshare Reddit facebook Pin It twitter Box Art for New Super Luigi U (Wii U) Click for full size HD version Front Cover Tweets by Super Luigi Bros Follow @the_mario_bros Join...
Wii U 别名: New Super Luigi U / 新超级路易吉U 发行日期: 2013-07-13 豆瓣评分 8.4 28人评价 5星 42.9% 4星 46.4% 3星 10.7% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 想玩 在玩 玩过 评价: 写文字 写攻略 分享 推荐 New超级路易吉U的游戏视频 ··· ( 全部0 个· 添加视频 ) New超级路易吉U的游戏...
Restored Super Mario Bros Wii - Nintendo Wii (Refurbished) Add $48.88 current price $48.88 Restored Super Mario Bros Wii - Nintendo Wii (Refurbished) 114.2 out of 5 Stars. 11 reviews Pikmin 1 2 [Nintendo Switch] Add $57.61 current price $57.61 ...
Used New Super Mario Bros U New Super Luigi U Wii U With Case info: We aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it. See our disclaimer Pre-Owned: Good A well-cared-for item that ha...
《新超级路易基U(New Super Luigi U)》中文扫图 路易基是马里奥的双胞胎弟弟,就是那个绿衣绿帽的水管工。《新超级路易基U》则是一款替“路易基年”锦上添花的作品。尽管路易基在《路易基的鬼屋》系列作品里面的确贵为主角,不过这回他总算能够担当正宗横向卷轴动作游戏的主角了!顾名思义,本作是一款描述路易基以...
英文名称:New Super Luigi U 游戏语言:英文 开发厂商:Nintendo 发行厂商:Nintendo 发售日期:2013-08...
新超级路易吉 U New Super Luigi U Wii U 美版 (2013) …封面载入中…
Mario, Luigi, and Toad are all here, and as if that wasn’t enough, Nabbit and Toadette are joining in the fun as well. Nabbit doesn’t take damage from enemies, which can really come in handy. And if Toadette powers up with a Super Crown, she transforms into Peachette!
New Super Mario Bros. U is a multiplayer Platforming adventure that provides a new take on a classic Nintendo franchise that will delight players of all ages and experience levels. A Wii U launch title, New Super Mario Bros. U offers a new way to experience Mario fun like never before. ...