It really was a God-kiss and perfect timing to have surgery postponed and get all my Christmas stuff done before surgery! God’s Hand in the Midst of Surgery Here is the thing. As I look back, I see God’s hand clearly on me and he has always guided my path. I know he will do...
In Partnership With: Some head and neck cancers may respond to the drug olaparib or the combination of olaparib with decitabine. Lluis Morey, PhD Treatment for head and neck cancers is largely stuck in the past. Patients typically receive some combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy,...
that his fatal radiation overdose — which left him deaf, struggling to see, unable to swallow, burned, with his teeth falling out, with ulcers in his mouth and throat, nauseated, in severe pain and finally unable to breathe — be studied and talked about publicly so that others might not...
I considered DIEP flap reconstruction; I ultimately decided against it (because it involved a more difficult recovery; they take fat from elsewhere in your body to stuff your new tits, so you get cut open in more places), but would it still be on the table, or am I on the “Implants ...
In an interview with Targeted Oncology, Ryan Carey, MD, and Rob Lee, PhD, discussed the preclinical research and the potential for lidocaine to kill certain cancer cells.
n38510* --research & test reactors & critical assemblies-- kinetics & dynamics analysis configuration fast neutrons fast reactors measurement minerva reactivity research reactors thermal neutrons critical assemblies/physics measurements for ermine thermal-fast assembly in minerve, description of, (e/t DOI...
The concept sounds like the stuff of science fiction: take a pill, and suddenly new tissues grow to replace damaged ones. Researchers at Case Western Reserve and UT Southwestern Medical Center this week announced that they have taken significant steps toward turning this once-improbable idea into ...
“The first reason, the smaller one, is that in 2017 bonds were issued, that is, bonds that bet on an infection, curiously from a coronavirus, which would take place between 2020 and 2021, so whoever played on that bet wins, but this is small stuff because we are only talking about ...
Then, there’s my blogging life, a totally new normal for me. Before my diagnosis, I would never have dreamed of sharing stuff I share here on the blog and now it feels, well, normal. Finally, there are the psychological ramifications of a cancer diagnosis which are many, but the BIG...
I admit to keeping a jar of the stuff in my freezer, but this is the first recipe I’ve seen that uses every drop of chicken fat right in the skillet in which it was formed. Its a one pan dinner, less than 30 minutes from start to finish. Add a side of rice or potatoes if yo...