★ 停留期限 Duration of each stay: X1签证/X1 Visa:须在入境后30天内更换 Student Visa with single Entry-Exit (a stay permit of 30 days upon arrival) X2签证/X2 Visa: 拥有30-180天停留有效期,可单或多次出入 Student Visa with si...
We strive to enhance Wheaton's co-curricular life through: - New Student Orientation - Student Activities/Involvement - Leadership Development So much of what you will do outside of the classroom will be connected to the SAIL Office. Campus Orientation & Registration Experience (CORE) January on...
9月3日晚,Orientation活动中的新生入学指导说明会成功举行。通过学校文化和生活指南的介绍,为新生提供了帮助,促进他们对新环境的适应。 On the evening of September 3rd, the orientation guide session for new students was successfully held. By introducing the school culture and lifestyle guide, we helped ne...
brandeisorientationstudent布兰迪斯newoutofthisworld BrandeisUniversity NewStudentOrientation Pre-ArrivalGuide 2012 Hello! Youareabouttoembarkononeunbelievablejourney.Whilethereare manycollegeexperiencesthatstudentscanbeapartof,onlyoneistheBrandeis experience.ThestartofyourBrandeisjourneywillbeNewStudentOrientationledby ...
Center报到。在那里你会得到关于International Student的各种信息(一份内容丰富的 Package)。International Center 会在开学初的一段期间内组织新生的Orientation讲座,具体介绍各类信息。并提供地图及各种资料。请同学们按照orientation的日程表,根据自己情况选择想要参加的讲座。
For detailed information about the above matters, as well as pre-entry instructions, campus transportation guidance, and orientation, please refer to the attached documents. 详细信息见附件: 1.《2024级国际学生新生指南》.pdf 2.Guide for...
Orientation Frequently Asked Questions How to Get Settled Chat to Students There can be a lot to think about as a new student in a new city, once you have made the big decision about what to study and where. Planning your budget is important so that you can enjoy studying and exploring...
Guide and setup for implementing a new employee orientation program. Safety orientation for a new employee entering the workplace. Checklists, presentation, forms and safety orientation steps.
The Guide for New Worker Orientation and Training helps you prepare first-time workers for being SAFE on the job.
The OSU New Student Orientation & Enrollment Program app is your guide to making the most out of your time on campus. You can access session information and sch…