Make the student loan system more manageable by dividing monthly payments in half for undergraduate loans and making sure borrowers working in the military, a non-profit, or in public service receive the correct amount of credit toward loan forgiveness. Reduce the cost of college and hol...
Wide-spread student loan forgiveness would predominantly benefit younger Americans living in high-income areas, according to a new study.
President Joe Biden once again is trying to deliver widespread student debt forgiveness, with anew planunveiled on Monday that could help about 30 million borrowers erase some or all of their college loans. The latest attempt at broad debt relief comes less than a year after the Supreme ...
The Biden administrationhas announceda significant student loan forgiveness plan aimed at providing relief to more than 30 million borrowers. This plan comes as President Biden’sefforts to cancel student debthave faced obstacles, including a blockage by the Supreme Court last year. By using its exi...
President Biden speaks about student loan debt forgiveness in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022, in Washington.(AP Photo/Evan Vucci / AP Newsroom) What are the key changes? Income modifications. The proposed regulatory change would modify the Revised Pay As You ...
When is the loan-relief site launching? Mr. Biden said the program has officially opened on Monday and pointed people to a government website,, where they can apply for loan forgiveness. I just applied for federal student loan debt relief and it took less than two minutes (se...
In response tostudent loan forgiveness getting struck down, the federal government has put a few different initiatives in place to make student loans easier to manage. TheBiden-Harris SAVE planwas a welcome step in August 2023. It offers more affordable monthly payments for some borrowers, no pa...
Biden’s initial plan for federal student loan debt forgiveness ultimately failed in the U.S. Supreme Court because it relied on the HEROES Act. Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority opinion, said the HEROES Act gives ED the power to “waive or modify” existing regulations, ...
The department wants to relieve as many debts as possible before student loan payments restart in January.21. What is the aim of the student loan forgiveness application? D A. To advocate the Pell Grant. B. To give students a reward. C. To increase family incomes. D. To ease the debt...
Student loan borrowers with certain types of loans have more time to consolidate their debt to take advantage of a program that gives them extra credit toward full forgiveness.