Star Trek: New Worlds is an in-depth game with a solid storyline that unfolds before your eyes. It's a land-based game, which is somewhat unique for games involving the Star Trek series, and offers a completely new perspective. The minor faults don't hinder the overall enjoyment of the...
Paradox Interactive has announced that its upcoming Star Trek grand strategy game,Star Trek: Infinite, will be releasing for PC and MacOS on October 12. The Swedish developer has also announced a range of pre-order bonuses for the game, as well as a digital deluxe edition, which includes a ...
This is a comments thread for the following album: K KusanagiShiro Supporter May 12, 2023 #2 This album was updated on 12th of May, 2023. You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Face...
This game also marks the first ever Star Trek video game aimed at younger players, bringing gaming to a new generation of Trekkies. Held over April 8 – 10, 2022, Star Trek: Mission Chicago made its return as a physical event this year, welcoming Trekkies from across the globe. Th...
It's dark days for lone Jedi Cal Kestis. Hunted by the Empire across known space, Cal's got a bigger bag of tricks to help him Jedi: Survive—new fighting styles, new friends, and a newfound talent for taming lizards all feature in this Star Wars sequel. All April 2023 game release...
Outright Games To Launch Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova, Original Global Video Game Inspired By Animated Series Star Trek: ProdigyWarp into an out of this world adventure on consoles and PC’s this October London, 19th May – Outright Games, the leading glob...
It also spawned easily the best Star Trek game in the incredible New Horizons mod. Robin Valentine: The game already felt like it covered a huge spectrum of sci-fi ideas when it launched back in 2016. So it's been pretty incredible to see how far it's expanded from there with its ...
Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios, under license from CBS Consumer Products, have released “Star Trek Online: Season 13–Escalation” for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The new MMORPG console game will continue the events of the previous seasons of the game and will pick up as Capt...
Hill's Wholesale Gaming ( is a world leader in collectable card games and miniatures such as Pokemon, Yugioh, Magic the Gathering, World of Warcraft, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dragonball Z, Heroclix, Mechwarrior, and many, many more! In a
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