16% 2% 0% 2% NEW STAR GP is a retro arcade racer that puts you in the driving seat as you take control of your own motorsport team and compete at thrilling and iconic racing circuits around the world from the 1980s to the present day. ...
NEW STAR GP is a retro arcade racer that puts you in the driving seat as you take control of your own motorsport team and compete at thrilling and iconic racing circuits around the world from the 1980s to the present day.Upgrade your car, choose your race perks and pit strategy, and ba...
NEW STAR GP ist ein Retro-Arcade-Rennspiel, bei dem man das Steuer übernimmt und sein eigenes Motorsport-Team leitet, mit dem man auf spannenden und traditionsreichen Rennstrecken auf der ganzen Welt aus den 1980ern bis zum heutigen Tage unterwegs ist.Verbessere dein Auto, wähle deine ...
描述 NEW STAR GP is a retro arcade racer that puts you in the driving seat as you take control of your own motorsport team and compete at thrilling and iconic racing circuits around the world from the 1980s to the present day. Upgrade your car, choose your race perks and pit strategy,...
NEW STAR GP es un juego de carreras de estilo recreativo retro que te da la oportunidad de tomar el volante en circuitos de carreras emocionantes e icónicos por todo el mundo, desde la década de los 80 hasta la actualidad, al tiempo que diriges tu propio equipo de competición. ...
描述 NEW STAR GP is a retro arcade racer that puts you in the driving seat as you take control of your own motorsport team and compete at thrilling and iconic racing circuits around the world from the 1980s to the present day. Upgrade your car, choose your race perks and pit strategy,...
名称:New Star GP 类型:独立,竞速,体育 开发商:New Star Games Ltd. 发行商:Five Aces Publishing Ltd. 发行日期:2024 年 3 月 7 日 抢先体验发行日期:2023 年 8 月 8 日 Discord 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 ...
The racing is enjoyable too. With arcade-style racers, it’s easy to find yourself just zooming past your opponents with ease, but inNew Star GP, the other drivers are competitive, and they don’t want to give up their position without a fight. It leads to really competitive racing, esp...
游戏类型: 竞速游戏体育游戏 官方中文: 不支持 制作发行: New Star Games Ltd./Five Aces Publishing Ltd. NEW STAR GP is the arcade racing game where every decision counts - on and off the track! You take control of your own motorsport team, guide your team’s tech...展开 ...
New Star GP是一款快节奏街机式赛车竞速游戏,具有90年代的复古图形和动感的音乐。游侠网分享New Star GP下载,在职业模式中前往世界各地参与各种赛事,不断提升赛车和车队名次,在街机模式中挑战最高分,或是和朋友分屏竞赛。 游戏背景 NEW STAR GP是一款街机赛车游戏,赛道内外的每一个决定都很重要!您掌控自己的赛车运...