Export-CMApplication Export-CMBaseline Export-CMCollection Export-CMConfigurationItem Export-CMDriverPackage Export-CMPackage Export-CMQuery Export-CMSecurityRole Export-CMTaskSequence Get-CMAADApplication Get-CMAADTenant Get-CMAccessAccount Get-CMAccessLicense Get-CMAccount Get-CMActiveDirectoryForest Get-...
Get-CsPartnerApplication Get-CsPersistentChatAddin Get-CsPersistentChatCategory Get-CsPersistentChatComplianceConfiguration Get-CsPersistentChatConfiguration Get-CsPersistentChatEligiblePrincipal Get-CsPersistentChatEndpoint Get-CsPersistentChatPolicy Get-CsPersistentChatRoom Get-CsPersistentChatState Get-CsPinPolicy...
New-CMTaskSequenceMedia [-AllowUacPrompt] [-AllowUnattendedDeployment <Boolean>] [-Application <IResultObject[]>] [-ApplicationName <String[]>] -BootImageDistributionPointServerName <String> -BootImageId <String> -BootImageManagementPointServerName <String[]> [-CommandDistributionPointServerName <Str...
Export-CMApplication Export-CMBaseline Export-CMCollection Export-CMConfigurationItem Export-CMDriverPackage Export-CMPackage Export-CMQuery Export-CMSecurityRole Export-CMTaskSequence Get-CMAADApplication Get-CMAADTenant Get-CMAccessAccount Get-CMAccessLicense Get-CMAccount Get-CMActiveDirectoryForest Get-...
SPECIFIC APPLICATION SYSTEM,风力发电机,相机镜头,热管理装置,金属增材制造机械,电子电路元件,埃低功耗蓝牙,CONTROL CABIN,一级电动平衡叉车,SPECIALIST ELEVATOR DRIVE,商业用机器人,燃料电池,容器,电动制陶机,专业暖通空调驱动,新型雷达摄像头一体机,触觉式马达,GENERAL-PURPOSE MILLING MACHINES,ACTUATOR MOTORS,双齿轮...
psAdd another application? (yms/no)no 3:= = = = = PubNIC = = = =Input PubNIC namexbase_net_card 4:= = = = = = member = = = = = =Node of the cluster:0) vms211) vms23Select a node: 0f 1 5:OInput network devicefethO 6:bondO Add another member? (yes/no) 14、yes...
The GoProxy is a high-performance http proxy, https proxy, socks5 proxy, ss proxy, websocket proxies, tcp proxies, udp proxies, game shield, game proxies. Support forward proxies, reverse proxy, transparent proxy, internet nat proxies, https proxy load balancing, http proxy load balancing , ...
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DayOfWeek or Hour DFAT0402 Baseline Type must be specified DFAT0403 Rate must be an integer value between 5 and 60 inclus DFAT0407 FUNCTION CANCELED DFAT0408 Application ~P1 not defined DFAT0409 No alert threshold(s) defined DFAT0410 No alert actions to clear DFAT0411 No alert threshold(...
The Generic Security Services application programming interface (GSSAPI) is an IETF standard for accessing security services. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010,...