ADMINISTRATION OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS 1Neal MccuskerCommissioner for Railways, New South WalesAustralian Journal of Public Administration
The New counties, hundreds and district atlas of South Australia and Northern Territory [cartographic material] : together with map of South Australia, ind... Map of New South Wales railways showing coach and other routes from the various stations [cartographic material] : together with mileage fr...
doi:10.1111/aehr.11br2K. BuckleyJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdBulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia
NSW Railways Infrastructure and Operations OST Publications & The Missing Conversation Pembroke (P87) Picton Port Rowan in 1:64 Proto 48 modelling by Gene Deimling Somewhere on the workbench South Coast Rail Splitter's Swamp Creek Stonequarry Creek ...
As early as 1934 the shop committees in the New South Wales railways were beginning to acquire the characteristics of a cohesive industrial force. An important factor in their development up to this time was the disastrous effect for Labor of the general strike in 1917 in the railways. The ...
'All a Matter of Timing' examines how the implementation of scientific management altered spatial arrangements and social interaction in the New South Wales Railways and Tramways Department's workshops during the early decades of the twentieth century. The article argues that the ideology and ...
EYE IN SKY TO SPOT VANDALS; A New Initiative to Stamp out Vandalism on the Railways Has Taken to the Skies across South Wales. Echo Reporter Laura Nicklin Was on Board
An address delivered to the New South Wales Regional Group on 6th March, 1958.doi:10.1111/j.1467-8500.1958.tb01798.xNeal MccuskerCommissioner for Railways, New South WalesJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111)Australian Journal of Public Administration...
John Gunn, Along parallel lines: a history of the railways of New South Wales 1850-1986 (Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1989. Pp. xviii + 581. Hardback $35.00.)doi:10.1111/aehr.321br3Greg PatmoreJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdAustralian Economic History Review...
Roads, bridges, railways, and telegraph systems had been built, and overseas shipping services improved. Private lending agencies contributed to the boom; in a heady atmosphere land values and interest rates climbed alarmingly. The public debt greatly increased, and many people who had acquired land...