💡 Example: .trt en si (From English to Sinhala)🤹️ command: antilink 📍 description: Activates the Antilink tool. 💡 Example: .antilink on / off🤹️ command: autobio 📍 description: Add live clock to your bio! 💡 Example: .autobio on / off🤹...
查看“Simian mobile disco new song wikitest MHMtQ”的源代码 ←Simian mobile disco new song wikitest MHMtQ 因为以下原因,你没有权限编辑本页: 您刚才请求的操作只对以下1个用户组开放:管理员。 您可以查看并复制此页面的源代码: 返回Simian mobile disco new song wikitest MHMtQ。
Updates the Sinhala and Myanmar keyboards for more comprehensive ways of inputting sequences Improved input of compositions on the Amharic keyboard. The Amharic keyboard will now insert Amharic script directly instead of English letters with predictions ...
The Sinhala and Myanmar keyboards have been updated to support more comprehensive ways of inputting sequences, forexamplethese now work: Sinhala: ෙ + ක -> කෙ, Myanmar: ေ + မ = eမ In order to improve the Amharic typing experience, we’ve fully updated the Amharic keyboard...
日历, 闹铃, 电力储备, 远程控制, 倒计时, 夜光, 睡眠监测, 健康监测, 计步, 电话提醒, 接电话, 信息展示, 信息提醒, 打电话, 心率监测, GPS导航, 运动跟踪, 社交软件信息提醒, 音频录制, 语音通话, 加速计, 邮件, 多项运动追踪...