Far from being just a main rival to HBO, Showtime has aired many notable shows and movies over the decades, includingHomeland,The L Word,Ray Donovan,Shameless,Queer as Folk, and more. In recent years, it’s been home to such critically acclaimed series asYellowjackets, starring Christina Ric...
Showtime’s new comedy series “Californication,” starring David Duchovny, is set to exclusively release installments of eight-song “track packs” via the Apple iTunes Music Store. The packs, titled “Temptation: Music from the Showtime Series Californication,” will be released by Abkco Records...
Showtime has aired many memorable shows and movies over the decades, includingHomeland,Weeds,Ray Donovan,Shameless,Billions, and more. In recent years, it’s been home to such critically acclaimed series asYellowjackets, starring Christina Ricci, Melanie Lynskey, and Juliette Lewis...
Cross(Prime Video): Series premiere Nov. 14 CSI: Vegas(CBS):Cancelled Curb Your Enthusiasm(HBO):Series finaleaired April 7 The Curse(Showtime): Season 1 ended Jan. 12; fate TBD Dark Matter(Apple TV+): Return date TBD Dark Winds(AMC): March 9, 2025 ...
Stream it at Paramount+ With Showtime #3: 85 Last Call: When A Serial Killer Stalked Queer New York (HBO) This year's best true-crime series, July's four-part documentary from filmmaker Anthony Caronna chronicles a string of gruesome murders targeting gay men in early 1990s New York. Pr...
Best Reason to Watch: In yet another sign that the streaming wars are coming to an end, a “Star Trek” series is going to stream on Netflix. Paramount+ canceled “Star Trek: Prodigy” in June 2023, midway through production on its second season, and then allowed Netflix to acquire wha...
Originally set to release on Showtime in the United States,Ripleywill now release globally on Netflix. The period drama series tells the story of Tom Ripley, a grifter who operated in the early 1960s and is hired by a man to travel to Italy to try to convince his vagabond son to retur...
Jim Carrey will star in a new Showtime comedy series in his first regular television role since his days on the 1990’s sketch show “In Living Color,” Showtime announced Thursday.The half-hour series is titled “Kidding,” in which Carrey will play Jeff, a.k.a. Mr. Pickles, an ico...