Several cases of massive rhabdomyolysis have been reported since 1993 in France and 2001 in Poland after ingestion of large amounts of an edible and, until then, valuable species called Tricholoma equestre. These cases of rhabdomyolysis are associated with respiratory and cardiac (myocarditis) ...
Disney World's Sassagoula Floatworks recently began serving a Beignet Burger, and Instagram is loving the new sweet and salty combo.
Current Protocols in Toxicology, by M.D. Maines, G. Costa, D.J. Reed, S. Sassa, and I.G. Sipes. Wiley, New York. 1999. Looseleaf $316.00, CD-ROM $360.00.doi:10.1016/S0378-4274(00)00246-0Oehme, F.WElsevier Ireland LtdToxicology Letters...
Le Corvec, S. Venugopal, G. Williams-Jones Could glacial retreat-related landslides trigger volcanic eruptions? Insights from Mount Meager, British Columbia V. Vilímek, F. Wang, A. Strom, K. Sassa, P.T. Bobrowsky, K. Takara (Eds.), Understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk, ...
SassaDepartmentsandDepartmentsSujivaDepartmentsWileyHuman MutationMcManus JF, Begley CG, Sassa S, Ratnaike S (1999) Three new mutations in the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase gene in familial porphyria cutanea tarda. Hum Mutat 13:412 (# 237 Online)...
Sassa, Takeshi; Igarashi, Masayuki; Nukina, Manabu, 1989: --mycousunine and +-isomycousunine, new phytotoxic usunic acid derivatives from the phytopathogenic fungus, Mycosphaerella nawae. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 53: 43-4doi:10.1080/00021369.1989.10869503SASSA Takeshi...
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Hence, the new CPG can be applied to facilities where the allowable displacement amount is severe and conventional CPG may not apply, thereby facilitating a sustainable infrastructure development.Takenouchi, KanjiSanshin CorporationSassa, ShinjiPort and Airport Research Institute, MPAT...
Sassa, ChiyukiTakasuka, AkinoriTokai, TadashiESMethods in OceanographyY. Oozeki, F. Hu, C. Tomatsu, H. Noro, H. Kubota, H. Sugisaki, C. Sassa, A. Takasuka and T. Tokai : New autonomous multiple codend opening/ closing control system for a frame trawl. Methods Oceanogr., 3-4 : ...
doi:10.1016/S0040-4039(00)00601-8Hiromichi KenmokuTakeshi SassaNobuo KatoElsevier LtdChemInformKenmoku H,Sassa T,Kato N.Isolation of erinacine P,a new parental metabolite of cyathane-xylosides from Hericium erinaceum and its biomimetic conversion into erinacines A and B. Tetrahedron Letters . 2000...