S. Sassa andDepartments of BiochemistrySujiva RatnaikeDepartments of BiochemistryHuman MutationMcManus JF, Begley CG, Sassa S, Ratnaike S (1999) Three new mutations in the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase gene in familial porphyria cutanea tarda. Hum Mutat 13:412 (# 237 Online)...
Y. Sassa Contributions S.J. and P.A. contributed equally. S.J. designed the project and the method of synthesis. S.J. and P.A. have synthesized and characterized the compounds. S.J. and P.A. have performed the XAS and R vs T measurements and analysis. The magnetic measurements and...
Whether you're more of a sweets person or you prefer salty snacks, Disney always has you covered. At Disney World's Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory, the two flavor profiles combine in a seriously magical new menu item—the Beignet Burger. It looks ridiculously over-the-top...and I...
Sassa, ChiyukiTakasuka, AkinoriTokai, TadashiESMethods in OceanographyY. Oozeki, F. Hu, C. Tomatsu, H. Noro, H. Kubota, H. Sugisaki, C. Sassa, A. Takasuka and T. Tokai : New autonomous multiple codend opening/ closing control system for a frame trawl. Methods Oceanogr., 3-4 : ...
SASSA, H. HIROSHI, H. AOKI, and M. NAMIKI. Sclerone, a new metabolite of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (LIB) DE BARY. Agr. Biol. Chem. 32 , 1471 (1968).Morita T, Aoki H. Isosclerone, a new metabolite of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary. Agric Biol Chem 1974; 38: 1501–5....
StructuresThe paper presents some recent research advances on practical liquefaction prediction and mitigation measures for existing structures. A new simplified generalized liquefaction prediction and assessment method that is capable of considering the influence of the waveforms and durations of earthquakes ...
Fusicoccins P and Q, and 3-Epifusicoccins H and Q, New Polar Fusicoccins from Isolate Niigata 2-A of a Peach Fusicoccum Canker Fungus[J] . Takeshi SASSA,Naoto TAJIMA,Mitsuyoshi SATO,Ai TAKAHASHI,Nobuo KATO.Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry . 2002 (11)...
Marin, Cheech
Hence, the new CPG can be applied to facilities where the allowable displacement amount is severe and conventional CPG may not apply, thereby facilitating a sustainable infrastructure development.Takenouchi, KanjiSanshin CorporationSassa, ShinjiPort and Airport Research Institute, MPAT...
Structures of fasciculol C and its depsipeptides, new biologically active substances from Neamatoloma fasciculare. Ikeda, M,Niwa, G,Tohyama, K,Sassa, T,Miura, Y. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry . 1977Structures of Fasciculol B and Its Depsipeptide, New Biologically Active Substances from...