The news stories were based on recentresearchwhich found a link between time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, and an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, orheart disease. So what can we make of these findings? And how do they measure up with what else we kn...
The experiment suggests intermittent fasting is not inherently superior to more traditional, standard diets. New research published this week challenges a popular belief that intermittent fasting diets such as alternate day fasting or the ‘5:2’ are the most effective ways to lose weight. Over rece...
Intermittent fasting has been shown to be an effective way to lose weight, but critics have worried that the practice may have a negative impact on women's reproductive hormones. Now, a team of University of Illinois Chicago researchers has published a study inObesitythat brings new evidence to...
According to new research, intermittent fasting may affect health and circadian clocks in more dramatic and previously unknown ways. Researchers looked athow periods of fasting affected mice. Researchers divided mice into two groups: one that was placed on an intermittent fasting diet and one that h...
On the days or hours when you are not fasting, you can eat normally and not feel deprived. The benefits seem to go beyond weight loss. Intermittent fasting has a lot of other health benefits. More and more research shows that it also improves your heart and your overall health by ...
在国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:32170850)等资助下,西湖大学生命科学学院张兵团队在间歇性禁食调控毛囊再生研究方面取得进展。相关研究成果以“间歇性禁食触发器官间通讯进而抑制毛囊再生(Intermittent fasting triggers interorgan communication to suppress hair follicle regeneration)”为题,于2025年1月9日发表在《细胞》(...
"The Outlier Health Podcast" Plant-Based Morning Show: New Research Says 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Comes with 91% Increase in Heart Disease Death (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Fasting is a popular way to lose fat among people nowadays. It's also known to have various other health benefits. The body can survive without food for a few days before it goes into the biological state known as starvation. Research studies have shown benefits of fasting when done und...
Is intermittent fasting good for you? As with many investigations in science, research can elicit conflicting results, often dependent on the quality of the study and whether the studies have all measured the same thing in the same way.
Intermittent fasting: a new trend or a valid approach for the treatment of obesity?doi:10.23736/S2724-6507.23.04100-3ANNUNZIATA, GiuseppeCAP, XavierMUSCOGIURI, GiovannaCOLAO, AnnamariaBARREA, LuigiMinerva Endocrinology