Reddit’s policy, according to the admin, is based on specific instances of harassment rather than general offensiveness. “We will ban subreddits that allow their communities to use the subreddit as a platform to harass individuals when moderators don’t take action. We’re banning behavior, ...
America’s approach to foreign policy changed in innumerable ways after 9/11, but one overarching theme we see in many of these decisions is how focused America became onestablishing itself astheglobal power. Through the War on Terror, the many ways America distributed its resources, and the c...
I spent some time on reddit to try to see where the left is headed after this, and man, it is brutal. They are still screaming "Nazi" at everyone, maybe even louder this time, and have no real understanding of how their extreme actions over the past 5-7 years have brought us here....
And that one guy on reddit always has good tricks. And the people on that message board seem to get your humor. So when one of them posts a meme about trans rights, it makes sense that you’d check it out. You’re curious! You’re a free thinker! You’re not like the normies....
The app will also start nudging teens toward different topics if they’ve been dwelling on one topic for a while. Instagram has launched the “Take a Break” feature, which has to be enabled. If someone has been scrolling for a certain amount of time, the app will ask them to take a...
“It is premature to claim victory in the fight against inflation,” Bostic said in hisspeech. “January inflation readings came in surprisingly high, the latest reminder that the path to price stability is not a straight line.” There’s a “new upside risk” in town: “pent-up exube...
I’m also at Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn and Reddit and Mastodon and CounterSocial and Flickr and Tumblr and even at Ello. And, of course, I will be here, at Whatever, where I have been for 23+ years now, having seen off AOL and Friendster and LiveJournal and MySpace and ...
The organization, which fights antisemitism, issued a report card grading several social media platforms on these efforts, and gave Facebook and Instagram a "D," along with Discord, Reddit and Steam. Twitch received a "B," while Twitter, YouTube, Roblox and TikTok earned "Cs" for their ef...
or healthcare crisis away from poverty and economic chaos. In the distorted mirror of public policy, those 140 million people have remained essentially invisible. As in the 1960s and other times in our history, however, the poor are no longer waiting for recognition from Washington. Instead, ...
“Overly attached girlfriend” began in 2012 when a Redditor took a screenshot of an image he found comical from a video of a girl singing a rendition of Justin Bieber's song “Boyfriend.” It quickly began making its rounds on the internet,using captions portrayingher as a stereotypical ...