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handbag ['hændbæg] n.( 女用 ) 手提包 pardon ['pɑ:dən] int. 原谅,请再说一遍 it [it] pron. 它 thank you 感谢你 ( 们 ) very much 非常地 Lesson 2 pen [pen] n . 钢笔 pencil ['pensl] n . 铅笔 book [buk] n . 书 watch [wɔtʃ] n . 手表 coat [kəut]...
implies an “x-ray” version of itself, in which the lower bound of super-Kakeya configurations is noticeably better than the lower bound for Kakeya configurations. The upshot of this is that one is able to obtain a Frostman violation bound of the form(3)in this case, which as discussed ...
We are about to ring in the New Year. Let us welcome the first ray of sunshine of 2023 with the best wishes for a brighter future. 祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛、国泰民安! May our country enjoy prosperity and our people live in...
93. Norman Fucking Rockwell –Lana Del Ray (Polydor, 2019) 92. Rounds –Four Tet (Domino, 2003) 91. Donuts –J Dilla (Stones Throw, 2006) 90. The Woods –Sleater-Kinney (Sub Pop, 2005) 89. Up The Bracket –The Libertines (Rough Trade, 2002) 88. Turn On The Bright Lights –Inter...
June 29, 1929 cover by Ray Euffa (1904-1977), who contributed just one cover for The New Yorker. A resident of the East Village, she had a successful career as both a New York artist and teacher (see end of post for another example of her work). In this spirit, the landmark 1929...
Ray of hope: No fresh cases of Nipah reported in Kozhikode Watch Kumari Srimathi’s official trailer here Mohanlal’sMalaikottai Vaaliban release date announced Nipah prevention Edu institutions closed indefinitely One more Nipah case reported in Kozhikode 950 people listed in Nipah contract tr...
[4]. Windows will save snapshots of your active screen periodically, as frequently as every 3-5 seconds. With Recall you can then easily find your snapshots and re-open a document, get to the right webpage, or highlight and copy images or text using screenray to use across other ...
E.B. White found the lack of haze in the new Rainbow Room disconcerting, not to mention the addition of a Wurlitzer organ, its wonders demonstrated here by organist Ray Bohr in 1934. (Library of Congress/ * * * There Oughta Be a Law While E.B. White was mourning the ...