New treatments in psoriasisdoi:10.1016/j.medcle.2017.07.006Jose-Manuel CarrascosaMedicina Clínica (English Edition)
ABSTRACT: Psoriasis disrupts a patient's work, play, and relationships and impacts how patients view themselves. These effects are measured through the concept of quality of life. The most central feature of the concept of HRQL (health-related quality of life) is that it represents the pati...
increased understanding of the pathogenesis of plaquepsoriasisover the past two decades has led to the development of new highly effective therapies, most notably systemic biologic agents and emerging novel oral and topical agents that target specific cytokines and enzyme receptors ...
because this is best done by experts in a therapeutic area. Similarly, we do not discuss drug pricing for novel treatments. Such discussion can only be meaningful based on input from experts within a specific therapeutic area who can judge on the added...
1.43 μM and 4.6 μM, respectively. Further studies found that the most active compound (4a) shows an 86.3% inhibitory rate against the intracellular production ofD-2HG at 1 μM, and dramatic inhibitory effects, even at 1 μM on the colony formation and migration of U87 and HT1080 cells...
There are also many other treatments, just discuss with your doctor and find the treatments that work best for you. 5. Discoid Lupus This is an autoimmune skin disorder that leaves a red inflamed bumpy rash on the skin. It starts out as a small patch of redness and spreads from the orig...
No treatments are curative, but it is possible that in the future vaccination approaches and immunoregulators could provide long-term control of asthma.Abstract Asthma is a major and increasing global health problem and, despite major advances in therapy, many patients' symptoms are not adequately ...
Stigma, together with physical and psychological comorbidity are the main factors impairing the life of people living with psoriasis – on an acute and a cumulative level(2). This means that, for many with psoriasis, everyday interactions such as visiting the hairdresser or going swi...
CardiospermumHalicacabum (Balloon Vine)is a climber that produces ornamental seed pods that resemble balloons. It has been examined that that each part of the plant, from its root to the seed has its own medicinal component for thetreatmentof different skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, ...
New Twists on Psoriasis TreatmentsPatrice Wendling