The measure puts into law a practice that DeSantis began allowing last year to help restaurants that had to dramatically scale back operations because of the COVID-19 pandemic. --- PROPERTY INSURANCE: An insurance package (SB 76) will allow larger annual rate increases for customers of the...
"Florida has chosen to reject comfortable inaction and tackle this problem head-on," House bill sponsor Sam Garrison said in June after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of an Oregon city's ordinance cracking down on public camping. The new Florida law bars local governments ...
(TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA – May 30, 2024) - Yesterday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed bill (HB 1049) into law, requiring sellers to disclosure significant details about their property’s flood risks during the homebuying process. This includes providing buyers with filed insu...
Florida Implementing New Insurance Agency Licensing LawKevin G. Fitzgerald
Florida alsoattracts more peopleandcreates more jobs. And it has amuch smallerburden of government spending. At the risk of repeating myself, all of the good economic policies are the reason why Florida enjoys better economic results. Florida’s superior outcomes have become so pronounced that ev...
The Premises and Real Property with all Buildings, Appurtenances, and Improvements, Located At 719 Escambia Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32208 U.S. District Courts | New York Western District Court | Property | 6:21-cv-06699 | 11/16/2021 DOCKET 11/24/2021 (#2) NOTICE OF COMPLAINT...
Ohio Real Property Law and Practice (Pub. #62949) – The new 7th Edition includes three volumes of indispensable analysis, practice tips, checklists, and forms to help an attorney practice real estate in Ohio. June 2022 Administration of Trusts in Florida, Eleventh Edition (Pub. #22748) –...
law in July 2014. Now, among other things, an association’s property insurance must provide coverage “not only for the full replacement cost of the insured property, but also coverage sufficient to rebuild the property in compliance with current municipal codes and ordinances in effect at the ...
The New York State Department of Financial Services has proposed market conduct regulations to govern pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) operating in the state. The regulations have been developed to implement a law passed in 2021 that requires licensing of PBMs … ...
October 1, 2019 Dunkin’ Donuts violated state law by not notifying almost 20,000 customers, including more than 2,000 in New York, about cyberattacks on their accounts in 2015 and inadequately warning more than 300,000 customers in 2018 about another attack, the New York … ...